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  1. kd7iwp

    Connected Drive discounts for Black Friday?

    I’m new to the whole ConnectedDrive scene. For those who have been in it for a while, is there any reason to believe that BMW in North America will provide Black Friday discounts for their remote services? I’m interested in trying it out to see if it’s worth it to me but don’t think I will at...
  2. kd7iwp

    2019 i3s REX

    Hi, I've been here for a few weeks already and introducing myself now as my car arrived today. I won't be able to drive it until next week when I have my provincial inspection booked. 2019 i3s REX and has I think all features but the sunroof. Also ordered a set of the OEM winter wheels with it...
  3. kd7iwp

    My BMW app state of charge in route plan

    I just bought a 2019 i3s out in Ontario and it will be shipping to me in BC next week. I got the dealership to give me the access code so that I could add the car to the My BMW app. I do not have a paid subscription so I know I can’t see things like state of charge, but at least I believe I will...
  4. kd7iwp

    Why different air ducts depending on seat heating?

    I was looking at a diagram on realoem and was surprised to see two different part numbers for the front air duct depending on whether there is seat heating. Can anyone chime in on why this would be? I imagine seat heaters can't use more than 100-200 watts so I don't see how there would need to...
  5. kd7iwp

    Difficult to find i3s wheels? (cancel, wheels found)

    I’m looking at a 2020 i3s BEV and it has winter tires on the standard i3 19” rims. I suppose a previous owner sold the original i3s wheels. Do you think it would be difficult to find i3s wheels that are 6” wide? Is there a marking on the rims to help me know if it’s a standard i3 20” vs an i3s 20”?