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    Which do you like better?

    I was thinking more of the NOx than CO{2}. Regardless, best to keep the exhaust gasses away from concentrations of humans. Now if we could just do something about the stinkers on the highways. Bob Wilson
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    Which do you like better?

    Today I was helping a BMW i3-REx owner understand some features that she'd never used since getting the car in 2014: Changing the navigation map to a flat 2D with enhanced contrast. Fixing the portable gas can caps so it won't leak (some assembly is required.) Driving on dynamic cruise control...
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    Video of fast DC charging 2014 BMW i3-REx Bob Wilson
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    Two EP600 175/60/R19 - $282.95

    2 of: Bridgestone Ecopia EP600 Touring Radial Tire -175/60R19 86Q Sold by: Services, Inc Condition: New $144.38 Item(s) Subtotal: $288.76 Shipping & Handling: $62.03 Free Shipping: -$62.03 ----- Total before tax: $288.76 Estimated tax to be collected: $23.10 AL State Tire Fee...
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    Driving from LA to SF?

    I have to open the driver side door to access the gas cover, release button, that also relieves the tank pressure. Did I miss something? Bob Wilson
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    So it seems if your i3 was made on or before 06/15 your remote and emobility services last for 10 years?

    The other feature is reading out the SOC. When using a remote charger, I can tell how close the car is to full and move to avoid 'parking' chargers. Bob Wilson
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    Long Distance (400 miles) Rex Driving? Do I need to baby it?

    Hi Jim, Just sharing: Our Prius Prime only charges to 80%. Up to 80%, the full charge rate can be sustained but as the battery taper region is reached, the ICE has to run at partial power, if parked, and the loss of ICE efficiency makes additional charging impractical. The car turns off the...
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    Long Distance (400 miles) Rex Driving? Do I need to baby it?

    It isn't the ICE but the generator and charging circuit. The original engine in the scooter is rated at twice the power. Bob Wilson
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    Long Distance (400 miles) Rex Driving? Do I need to baby it?

    If not coded, get a 2.5 gal, Briggs and Stratton, spare gas can and carry in front. Coded, you can easily avoid the spare can by filling up just as the gas runs out. Hold speed to 70 mph following trucks and it is a piece of cake. Check oil level before leaving. Bob Wilson
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    2015 i3 Hold SOC charge not what it seems?

    Using Google Earth Pro: Do a CNTL+click on the route and you'll get the elevation profile. Bob Wilson
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    fuel flap cover not working

    Hold the fuel flap release button until it clears. It must be held. Bob Wilson
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    Now we have a basis of estimate: EV only fast DC - ($11.50 + $14.70) / (75 mi + 68 mi) ~= $0.18 / mi gas + 20 mi - ($6.26 + $0.77) / 111 mi ~= $0.06 / mi EV only L2 _ fast DC - ($4.40 + $13.65) / (59 mi + 5 mi + 44 mi) ~= $0.17 / mi gas + 20 mi - ($6.15 + $0.75) / 106 mi ~= $0.06 / mi The next...
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    Sorry, sometimes my sense of mirth doesn't come through. The last time I was in Texas was to drive a 2003 Prius from Fort Worth back to Huntsville. Back then some stretches of I-20 needed help. Bob Wilson
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    REX fuel consumption per kWh

    You might find my recent benchmarks useful: Also: My testing revealed the primary control law is to maintain the State Of Charge (SOC). However, the engine...
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    As a native Oklahoman, I admire your honesty about Texas. As many Oklahomans say, "Why does the wind always blow towards Texas?" Bob Wilson
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    $18.80 - EV cost $4.40 - (est) Blink, 7.626 kWh, 1 h 25 min $13.65 - EVgo, 16.35 kWh, 39 min $0.75 - home, 7.487 kWh, 1h 37 min $6.15 - Costco, 2.252 gal (premium) 5 min, 106 miles ~6 mi EV, to visit Tesla Store, top off tank, late lunch Shelbyville Blink charger broken and no maintenance...
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    i3 s regenerative breaking

    My regenerative braking is breaking every time I shift into "N". Bob Wilson
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    charging time calculation

    Not mentioned but our BMW i3 come with two maximum charging rates: 3.7 kW - mostly found in the EU, many early versions had this limit 7.4 kW - standard in North America and also found in the EU, this is the fastest, built-in charger Use your VIN and a VIN decoder to check your car options. I...
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    Looking for charging solutions

    Are there any properties within walking distance that have a NEMA 14-50 or might put one in if you offer the JuiceBox? Bob Wilson
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    DC charging, how fast?

    When I used the Electrify America, fastDC charger, the highest rate was ~43 kW but there was actually some variability. It tapered down as expected but I never saw 50 kW. The station is rated at 350 kW. The local Huntsville fast DC charger is rated at 40 kW, 100 A maximum, and works very nicely...