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  1. S

    BWM Issues Software update?

    I'm not on FB but I'd like to know if anyone has experienced the new update and can comment on the Rex hold improvement.
  2. S

    Emergency fuel can for frunk

    Not a good idea if you get hit head on.
  3. S

    Still 10k HOV stickers left in CA.

    As of February 26th, 2015, the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) has issued the 60,537 Green Clean Air Vehicle decals. Assembly Bill 2013, effective January 1, 2015, authorized DMV to issue 15,000 additional green decals, for a new maximum of 70,000.
  4. S

    Self-parking: useful or gimmick?

    I tried it once just to experience it. Worked perfectly. I have not used it since. Just haven't had the situation arise where I needed it.
  5. S

    SF Bay Area SAE CCS chargers?

    Got a free charge at the whole foods in Cupertino.
  6. S

    Range: Can I make it 80 miles? What about 89?

    Nice tip, Jim. I was wondering how to amenable Classic CC.
  7. S

    Hello and buying a new i3

    Carbon footprint and reduce reliance on oil.
  8. S

    Automatic time/date adjustment

    Yep, I believe my time is synced to the BMW servers, it's spot on with my iPhone.
  9. S

    Automatic time/date adjustment

    Funny, my menu doesn't have that option. Looked everywhere. We must have different software versions. FWIW, my KLE was replaced in December.
  10. S

    Dipstick marks?

    I guess you didn't read my marks at all. Looking for helpful comment from others with Rex.
  11. S

    Got it !!!

    I've got the black ones. Pm me if you want them.
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    iPod issue

    Update: Took out my iPod touch and plugged in my iPod classic via usb cable. Works flawlessly. So far, after a couple of weeks, no reset required.
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    No heat on in BEV

    That wouldn't work for my driving habits. I've put 2000 miles on my car and only used about 1.5 gallons of gas total.
  14. S

    Giga vs Tera World

    Same for me.
  15. S

    CA Green HOV Stickers?

    It took a month to get a reject notice because my registration wasn't complete one month.
  16. S

    Best SF Bay Area Dealer

    Pm sent
  17. S

    DIY: Highbeam Headlamp Replacement / Upgrade

    Did the same, but forgot about the instructions on the first page and struggled with releasing the connector. BTW, what is the pump assembly for on the drivers side to the right of the high beam?
  18. S

    Wonder what the new incentives will be on the 14's?

    Extra weight of REx: Curb weight of Bev, 2,635 lb; 2,899 lb, with range extender So 264 lbs. extra, or one son-in-law. :D