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  1. E

    Information on the 12v charging system?

    After about 5 months our second i3, will be on a third 12v battery.... First time it was swapped during the CPO process, then swapped out again after 1 week of ownership (battery warnings) the i3 is back in the shop again for a bunch of faults (in addition to saying battery has...
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    Is there a way to keep the REx on to keep 75% SOC while parked/idle?

    I've had different results. I noticed while having the REx on a long drive (its coded), then stopping at a drive through and then parking the car - keeping the Car on and not turning the REx off and not opening the door, the REx will eventually stop itself and the SOC will go down roughly 1%...
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    Is there a way to keep the REx on to keep 75% SOC while parked/idle?

    Greetings All, With hurricane season here, I was reevaluating out backup procedures should we be stuck in the path and without power for 7+ days.... Is there a way to keep the REx engine running and producing enough energy to keep 75% SOC while idled/parked running the AC? I recall a while...
  4. E

    2015 i3 BEV or REX?

    The prices of used/cpo i3s varies wildly on which region of the US you are in. Namely, if you are in the regions where the 10K BMW incentive was active for 2018 models the used/CPO were most affordable at those locations. We purchased our second i3 sight unseen from a dealership in...
  5. E

    Is coast to coast road trip by i3 possible?

    Yes, its do-able. Just be sure to code your i3 first to enable Hold Charge...My experience here: Note, that if I had to do it again, I wouldn't really recommend it....filling up the tank every 80 miles gets annoying (though was ok in this...
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    What kind of REx failure would it take to make the i3 totally inoperable?

    Greetings All, As far as reliability/durability - I think we can all agree the weak point of the i3 REx is the REx system/components? So far, every time when I get a CEL or that one notification that the REx could not start (that one was due to bad fuel pressure sensor) - the i3 ran just fine...
  7. E

    Should I reverse coding before taking it into BMW for service?

    Personally, I remove all the coding before taking our i3s in for warranty servicing. Even though you are covered under the Magnuson–Moss Warranty Act - I wouldn't want to raise suspicions or an argument with the dealer/service center - it only takes one input from an ignorant dealer/service...
  8. E

    Workhorse W-15 Truck will use the i3 REx engine to get 310

    It looks like Workhorse will indeed use the 3 cylinder i3 REx engine/generator for the pickup s (w-15) range extender. : Workhorse mentioned they were testing other (bigger) gas engine generators - I am kinda surprised...
  9. E

    The range of the i3 may be below par, but it's fit and finish is still the benchmark...

    This is from an interview about the Model 3, but the i3 was brought up: Those new to the i3 - these guys (Munro & Associates) did a tear down of the i3 when it first came out and found lots of interesting things about it...
  10. E

    Drive Train Malfunction while on Electric Battery

    How far is the BMW service from you? Assuming you are under 50K miles - If its close, I would just drop it off now since this is an emergency issue and be given a loaner. If its far away or you don't feel safe driving it to the dealership - call BMW for a tow and loaner...
  11. E

    Used i3 pricing on the rise?

    Yep - the price of used leafs shot up mid/late 2016 due to someone getting smart and realized they could make a healthy profit buying them $5-8K and selling them for $20K+ overseas. I wonder if the battery warranty is still being honored?....
  12. E

    Any one here ordered a Tesla Model 3?

    Unless you happen to be in one of those states that offer $10,000 manufacturer incentive, on top of state incentives and the 7.5K tax credit- folks could get a Brand New i3 right now (no line waiting) for 25K... For those not in those states and are shopping second hand - I would suggest...
  13. E

    Battery Upgrade

    If BMW doesn't offer an upgrade service, The main roadblock would be figuring out how to make the car recognize it has the higher capacity batteries... However some additional things to consider: If the overall weight of the i3 increased by 160-something pounds when going from a 60AH to a 94AH...
  14. E

    Question for those who have installed Hub Spacers

    Thank you! Please keep us posted on your findings!
  15. E

    Question for those who have installed Hub Spacers

    There was a post on this forum, that went a few steps a head and managed to put on wheels from an i8 with I think 25mm spacers. I probably wouldn't go that extreme, but would love to hear their observations. I would imagine their i3 feels really stable at high speeds...turning maybe not? The...
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    Question for those who have installed Hub Spacers

    Greetings All, Overall, the i3 is the ideal City Car...though can be squirrelly on the highway, especially over 75 mph and with winds... I was thinking this could be addressed with a moderate (10 mm?) adjustment to spacing of the wheels with Hub Spacers. This should allow the wheel to sit...
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    A few moments after starting the i3 there is a hissing sound that last for 2-3 seconds - what is that?

    After a bunch of "I Dunnos" from IConcierge/Geniuses and a few Dealerships ...I finally got the answer! - Big Thanks to Brandon and the service folks at BMW Cape Cod!
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    My '15 Stormtrooper

    There are air space/gaps between the CF top to the bottom of the headliner?
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    fuel flap cover not working

    Yours wouldn't happen to be a 2015? If so, can I ask the month is was made? You can lookup the manufactured date here: Our 2015 (born in July) - (we didn't know at the time) had a Fuel Pressure sensor that was failing on a long road trip, where we had to rely on the REx...
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    Adding Android Auto / Aftermarket Info System

    I have been pondering this idea as well. There are two items on thinkverse that utilize the cup holder mounts, to mount a tablet or phone but really would prefer the screens to be eye level or close to. Thinking about this for a while, I came up with two ideas on placement above the dash...