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  1. C

    Charging at 240 in US using Occasional Use

    As others have said, not with the included OUC. BMW does sell a 120/240 OUC for it (they call it a "TurboCord Charger",) although you can get ones from third parties that are cheaper. (One example, which I have no opinion on, posting solely as an example:
  2. C

    Just bought a 2015 I3

    As jada said - that meter is often called the "guess-o-meter" because it can vary wildly. It uses the recent driving history to estimate average "miles per kilowatt-hour", then uses that to estimate range. Perhaps the prior owner was *TERRIBLE*... You don't say where you are, cold weather can...
  3. C

    Battery capacity issue

    2015 REx with ~16k miles, 17.9 kWh through the hidden menu for me. And for those who don't know how to get to the hidden menu: Note that when it's colder out, it will read lower (because the battery's capacity is lower when it's cold.) It was 5°C...
  4. C

    Winter set on and questions

    What jadnashuanh said - for winter driving, you want that gap.
  5. C

    100 Km (62 miles) of charge in 3 minutes!

    Impressive! I wish they were able to retrofit the i3 with this fast of charging - even if it's only the upcoming 120Ah model. 5 minutes to 80% charge would be amazing, easily equaling "filling a gas car" speed. However, this probably belongs either in the Off Topic or Other Electric Vehicles...
  6. C

    Which do you like better?

    That's not how it works. Fields and trees don't magically neutralize the emissions of vehicles around them, and nowhere else. Both the i3 REx and the Prius Prime are *EXTREMELY* clean vehicles. Their gasoline engines spew out very little particulate, NOx, and other smog-producing components...
  7. C

    Next model after 120ah i3

    Not that BMW has said publicly - and a random service agent at a dealership is very unlikely to have inside information on this.
  8. C

    There were three of us on my morning commute!

    Driving my kid to school today, we had two i3s sandwiched between a Bolt and an Model X. Four EVs in a row, with two i3s! And I saw a Leaf in the other lane.
  9. C

    Just venting...

    One of the BMW dealerships near me has their charger listed as "public" with no restrictions. Yet every time I've gone by, there have been non-electric cars parked there, often not even BMWs (I'm guessing employees.) Every time, I've called as I was driving there to ask if it was okay to park...
  10. C

    Rear dash cam

    There's a standard 12v "cigarette lighter" outlet in the cargo area. If you are in the market for a front dashcam, too, there are "dual dashcam" models out there, that use one electrical connection in the front, then you just run a wire from the front dashcam to the rear dashcam, and it...
  11. C

    Chevy Volt Discontinued

    I'm glad I got the REx (60Ah) instead of a 94Ah BEV. I've used the REx a few times where if it hadn't been available, I either would have been stranded, late to wherever I was going because I would have had to stop and recharge at a Level 2 charger, or would have had to drive the gas car instead...
  12. C

    Newbie Question - Finding miles used with ReX !

    You're not looking for REx time, you're looking for "Total electric distance driven." On the US iRemote, go to the "Efficiency" screen, then tap "Statistics", then tap the "Electric distance driven (last trip)" square, and the graph on the bottom changes to "All trips: Total electric distance...
  13. C

    What does (1)-(2) beside fan symbol mean on Remote Cockpit ?

    Wow. Never noticed it. Now I probably won't be able to un-see it... Looking at it, yeah, I have to agree with DigitalEl, it is definitely referring specifically to the Off-Peak Timer, so probably means either "coins" or just "on/off times" as in "time 1/time 2".
  14. C

    Brake light indication in the car

    One problem with that in the i3 is that just letting up on the accelerator pedal causes the brake light to come on. That light would come on all the stinkin' time.
  15. C

    Auto car wash, ok?

    They do the "tape the rear wiper" to me, and it's annoying, because it means that bit of the tailgate doesn't get clean.
  16. C

    Sim card?

    It is almost certainly not able to be upgraded to LTE, unless it's already really LTE, and BMW just isn't telling us.
  17. C

    What does (1)-(2) beside fan symbol mean on Remote Cockpit ?

    Where are you seeing it in the US Connected app? Mine doesn't look anything like that, and I don't see any such 1-2 anywhere.
  18. C

    Auto car wash, ok?

    I think car washes have improved significantly in the past 30 years, then. Because I've been using car washes for my new cars for the past 15 years, and don't have any water spots.
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    Just priced it out in the States, was quoted $1418.48 installed. I was expecting far more, so now seriously considering it.
  20. C

    Running on ice

    Unlike all plug-in hybrid cars, and even the Chevy Volt, the i3 REx's gasoline engine is not physically connected to the wheels at all. When the ICE is running, it is solely driving a generator to send electricity to the high-voltage system (to charge the battery, and/or to run the drive motor.)...