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  1. C

    Better in snow? I3 with winter tires vs wrx with all seasons

    Depends on the snow, I'd say. Around here, we tend to get icy roads more than "light fluffy snow that gets packed down" - and i3 with studless traction (aka "Winter") tires is way better than our AWD Forester with "good all-season" tires. But when driving to places that don't have icy roads...
  2. C

    Connected Drive

    Connected Drive has nothing to do with warranty period. As others said, the earliest i3s have a 10 year ConnectedDrive subscription, later ones have 4 year (mine has already expired.) You can renew for $50/year (although last December, they did offer a $40 renewal.)
  3. C

    i3 EDrive External Sound

    Personally, I'd love it if it were possible to add your own sounds.
  4. C


    No. BMW uses a non-touch display, and the "iDrive" wheel down in the center console in front of the arm rest. I find it's less distracting than a touchscreen.
  5. C

    Turn on Rex early on freeway?

    REx solely generates electricity to feed to the battery. REx is no more or less efficient on any given driving conditions - it's just sending power to the battery pack, and your efficiency driving on the battery pack is what matters. Note that if you know you're going to be digging in to REx on...
  6. C

    Bmw charges about $170 to mount and balance winter tires

    Meanwhile, at a West Coast tire shop chain, Les Schwab, I just paid $26 for all four wheels/tires to get swapped, including balancing and resetting the TPS. ($6.50 per wheel.) I was planning on just swapping them out myself, but for that price, I'll let them.
  7. C

    New i3s (with pics) now what winter wheels/tires?

    It's illegal where I am, but essentially never enforced - I see vehicles (mostly pickups) with wheels/tires that extend far beyond the fender regularly. One thing that I have seen is the unintended consequence of it on low-riding vehicles - the wider tire may "bounce" up and hit the fender if...
  8. C

    Rex Range seems unusually high

    Yeah, zero chance of ever actually getting that many miles out of it. I did manage to eke about ~80 miles out of the REx (after coding to enlarge) on a drive from Portland to Seattle, though. (in ECO PRO +, drafting behind a semi doing 55-65 the whole time.) That was with hold SOC enabled the...
  9. C

    Rex Range seems unusually high

    I've had mine read as high as 100 miles! And that was before coding to increase it.
  10. C

    Is the advance real time traffic for your I drive worth it.

    It's fairly useful, but the free smartphone app Waze is usually more accurate. And free. Yeah, it's not as nicely integrated as the built-in traffic on the built-in navigation, but if you have a newer i3 that supports Android Auto or CarPlay, you can use Waze on the built-in screen.
  11. C

    i3 or i8 or Tesla Replacement? - Revero Rex

    It looks like it's just the reincarnation of the Fisker Karma - an attempt at an ultra-luxury plug-in hybrid before the Tesla Model S came out. (It was designed by the same person who designed the body of the Model S - who Tesla then sued because they made their original Karma prototype look...
  12. C

    Flat towing i3 "4 wheels down" behind rv

    Per the manual a carwash is fine - shift in to neutral, then power the car to "standby" (Push the power button once.) When it's time to get moving again, hold the brake while pressing power again to return to "on" status, shift in to drive, and go.
  13. C

    Has anyone reached 0% battery while the Rex was running.

    I got down to 1% while my REx was out of gas a few months ago! Power max lowered itself (I was on side-streets, so lack of power wasn't a problem,) but I got to my destination at 1% remaining.
  14. C

    CCS stayed locked

    I had this happen to me, and it was the car. The car was unlocked, (someone stayed in the car the whole recharge,) and I assumed that if it was unlocked, the CCS would unlock automatically. Nope. I had to lock the car then re-unlock it to have it let go.
  15. C

    BMW ConnectedDrive

    Run the app, it will walk you through the process. Basically it sends a "text message" to the car that has a code that you manually type on the phone in the app. That guarantees you have physical access to the car.
  16. C

    New to me 15' REX Certified Pre Owned no start REX?

    I'd say undo the coding (just to make sure,) and take it in. Something's definitely wrong.
  17. C

    BMW ConnectedDrive

    To note: The smartphone app can do quite a bit even without an active ConnectedDrive subscription! The info display (charging status, charge level, eDRIVE stats,) remote-control aspects (lock/unlock, flash lights, honk horn,) scheduled charging, and sending navigation to the vehicle all work...
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    V8 Exhaust Sound from i3

    I mean, it's basically what the i8 uses...
  19. C

    BMW ConnectedDrive

    BMWs come with a certain amount of time of ConnectedDrive for free, after that expires, it is $50/year. Note that it's easy to live without it, though.
  20. C

    i3 with 57kWh battery

    Absolutely. There are already plenty of places that will swap out/rebuild Prius batteries with higher capacity cells. And there are a few places that will rebuild a Leaf battery pack. I imagine it's only a matter of time before we see upgrades available in addition to just rebuilds.