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  1. C

    Driving a 2017 bev 400 miles

    Without knowing where it is, or where you live, I'd say there's no way to know if there are enough charging stations. Most of the country does have at least L2 stations (4 hours to recharge) close enough together to drive nearly anywhere, with DC Quick Charging stations a bit less common, but...
  2. C

    The spam here is insane!

    There's an i3 "subreddit" on Reddit: It's not as active as here, but it gets a few posts a day.
  3. C

    Cleaning eucalyptus wood dash

    Slightly damp rag, then go over it with a dry cloth.
  4. C

    Is SOC in Hold SOC setting relative to start SOC?

    It's 75% of maximum, not 75% of "when turned on." You'll be fine. (At least, it's let me turn it on immediately after turning on the car when at <75%.) As for "charge level", it charges up to whatever you set it at when you pushed the button. So if you set it at 60%, it will charge up to 60%...
  5. C

    New personal record on the Guess-O-Meter

    Took a 90 mile road trip to a convention over the weekend in my 2015 with the 60Ah/22kWh battery, had to use battery+gas (gas was about six months old anyway, so figured it was time to use it up and refill.). Arrived Friday, plugged in at hotel (120V via Occasional Use Charger at outdoor outlet...
  6. C

    Serious problem with new BMW ConnectedDrive Website (USA)

    Wow. This new ConnectedDrive website is crap. I liked being able to use the range estimator map on my computer to help plan a trip, rather than just in the in-car nav and on my phone screen.
  7. C

    Wheel & Tire Replacement

    All I can say is that my i3 with the 155R20s up front and 175R20s in back handles *WAY* better than my last "sporty" car that I put 205R16s on front and rear. Also, I can't imagine how extremely strange an i3 with smaller wheels/thicker tires would look. The giant wheel-to-tire ratio is one of...
  8. C

    Wheel & Tire Replacement

    The wheel wells are not wide enough for those tires. The i3s "sport" model uses 195/50 R20 in the rear, and a conventional i3 needs modification to put those wheels/tires on. Handling is pretty damn good with the stock tires, even though they're "thin," because they are very tall, so the...
  9. C

    The spam here is insane!

    @Admin - MORE SPAM! User jdkjncn11
  10. C

    Used i3s

    The two big things are warranty and options. The 2015 made standard a few things that were options on the 2014 - most notably DC Fast Charging. If you ever want to take your i3 on road trips, or you don't have everyday access to charging, you are going to want DC Fast Charging. The listing in...
  11. C

    The spam here is insane!

    They seem to have struck again! @admin, sick balls!
  12. C

    License SuperCharger

    SuperCharger costs 28 cents per Kilowatt-hour, then 50 cents to a dollar *PER MINUTE* you keep using the spot after your charge is done. CCS chargers (near me anyway, according to PlugShare) cost from $7 flat charge (to charge up a 40 kWh battery to 80% on SuperCharger is $9.00) to $5/hour (80%...
  13. C

    Rex Range seems unusually high

    REx is purely adding energy to the battery pack, the little gas engine is no more or less efficient based on your driving style, unlike basically every other hybrid and plug-in hybrid. Your efficiency "city" versus "highway" is based on the electric motor. As far as the car is concerned, the...
  14. C

    Can't code key fob trunk button to open frunk?

    I've used BimmerCode to change button 4 to do preconditioning, but no matter what setting I pick for button 3, it only ever opens the rear hatch. What am I doing wrong? I have set RC_DEFAULT_IDG_3RD_BUTTON_SHORT _MID and _LONG to Wert_05. I've tried setting every combination of those three...
  15. C

    Anyone disassemble remote to replace button fronts?

    Update: I found a leather key fob cover from "generic Chinese eBay seller #345" (not their real name) that covers the buttons, and has the symbols I want printed on the cover. I'll just go for that. Only $25 shipped.
  16. C

    Anyone disassemble remote to replace button fronts?

    I have used BimmerCode to change the keyfob button uses, notably to change the trunk release to open the front trunk instead. But, I'd like to avoid confusing my wife too much, so would like to replace the keyfob with a 2014-style keyfob that shows the front trunk opening. But, of course, you...
  17. C

    Fan only in Eco Pro mode

    I would think the only way to do it is to turn off AC and set the temperature low. With AC off, it won't actively cool the air, and with the temperature set low, it won't try to heat the air.
  18. C

    2015 i3 REX in Tucson

    For Tucson, though, it's so far from anything else, that if you *EVER* want to drive it further than Phoenix, the REx is a must. And even then, a 2015 couldn't even do Phoenix as a BEV without stopping. Without a REx, the i3 becomes truly an "in town only" vehicle in Tucson. There is only one...
  19. C

    Switching Charging Current

    If it's charging, it's using the voltage you're supplying. Note that at least in the US, there are two different ways to wire up 240V. One way is to have a full 240V over a single wire (with a return wire coming back.) The other major method is where there are two separate 120V feeds on two...
  20. C

    Any mods

    Quidzel is the 'default' traffic jam assist retrofit: You'll need to remove one screw to gain access to the back of the right-side steering wheel buttons, unplug one cable to plug the module in between the cable and the receptacle, then run coding on the car using E-sys and...