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  1. C

    From one funky EV (i3) to another (Arcimoto FUV)

    Not yet - but they are in the works. Driving in the rain this last week, you stay dry when moving, but stopped, any breeze carries the rain on to your arms and legs.
  2. C

    From one funky EV (i3) to another (Arcimoto FUV)

    That's true of a large portion of vehicles on the road, though. It's meant to be "safer and easier than a motorcycle", not "as safe as driving an Excursion. Hell, this is a BMW i3 forum - try going head-on with a bus or tractor-trailer at highway speeds in an i3 and see how that works out.
  3. C

    From one funky EV (i3) to another (Arcimoto FUV)

    Because of its oddball nature - roll cage, trike - there are a patchwork of laws applying to it. In my home state, no motorcycle endorsement, no helmet. The state that is a 10 mile drive from my house? Need both. The manufacturer is working with lawmakers to try to get helmet and motorcycle...
  4. C

    From one funky EV (i3) to another (Arcimoto FUV)

    Added a second EV to my driveway - the brand new Arcimoto FUV: It's an enclosed electric trike that can go 75 MPH, and go up to 100 miles on a charge. Made in Eugene, Oregon, it's been under development for about a decade, and finally reached full production last month - mine is #11 off the...
  5. C

    BMW i3 2015 Park assistant - How to manage parking speed?

    This is me - I find that it takes FAR too long to get started. Once it's actually going, it's what I would consider "a reasonable speed," although the end stop is a bit harsh most times.
  6. C

    Any way to mount a fog light on an i3 ?

    Yep. On my Prius, the fog lights did *NOTHING* compared to the main headlights. It took just the right conditions to even verify they turned on from inside the car.
  7. C

    Charge while on vacation?

    If only a week, just make sure any timed preconditioning is off and it's safe to leave unplugged.
  8. C

    Tera and Smokers package

    I hadn't even thought of using it as a center console organization tool... Now I need another cup holder to hold it in there....
  9. C

    Tera and Smokers package

    It's just a plug-in cigarette lighter for the 12v outlet under the center armrest (otherwise it would just come with a plastic cap like the other 12v outlets) and an ash tray that you put in the cup holder. I immediately tossed both in storage in my basement upon driving my car home.
  10. C

    Electric charge insufficient

    Yeah, it rather stupidly says that if you're too far from your "home charging station" you have set. Makes road trips ridiculous. "Yes, BMW, I know I'm more than 80 miles from my home charger, I'm asking you to take me 3 miles to the hotel in the town I'm in, when I already have 90% battery."
  11. C

    2019 Model 3 vs 2014 BMW i3-REx

    Around here, CCS chargers prices can vary wildly. Some of them have a fixed price, regardless of how much charge you put in, others are a per-minute, others are a per-kWh.
  12. C

    Bimmercode hold state of charge.

    No, the car will not let you open the gas tank door while the car is on. Do not try to defeat that, as it will not depressurize the tank, and you risk fire by spraying pressurized gas vapor if you try to force the tank open.
  13. C

    i3 versus pedestrians accident near NYC today

    Story doesn't mention it being an electric car at all, just that it jumped the curb. Which is nice, a news story that just reports "car did a thing," rather than "OMG! EVS ARE HORRIBLE, SEE HOW ONE ALMOST KILLED SOMEONE!"
  14. C

    Use car or BMW connect to find missing keyless entry fobs?

    Nope. The fobs have no speaker, so even if there was a way to initiate reverse communication, there's nothing you could do to make it findable. Some cars have two-way key fobs with some sort of sound generator, but not the i3. Look in to a Tile or similar to put on your key fob.
  15. C

    Custom License Plate - Wife Very Angry - Need Advice

    Here in Oregon, "NO OPEC" license plate is on a first-gen RAV4 EV in my neighborhood. (Or at least it used to be, I haven't seen it in a while...) Oregon only allows 6 letters/numbers plus a space or dash. (You can replace any of the 6 letters/numbers with spaces or dashes as well, as long as...
  16. C

    Custom License Plate - Wife Very Angry - Need Advice

    Ah, so partly right. Odd that their mockup system didn't bother to use the actual license plate font. Also, it offered the Oregon Trail plate‽ Edit: Ah, just went through the process - I see, you mocked it up yourself, not just saved their mockup then photoshopped on to your car. Yeah, no...
  17. C

    Custom License Plate - Wife Very Angry - Need Advice

    Time to be the spoiler - that ain't your real license plate. The "Oregon Trail" plates haven't been offered in nearly 20 years, and that font is all wrong for an Oregon license plate. (I had custom Oregon Trail plates on my car in college.) But howdy, fellow Oregonian i3 owner! Nice car!
  18. C

    Bye Bye . . . SPAM wins

    Remember, this is not admin's full time job. This is a small "hobby forum" with (presumably) no paid employees. Yes, it takes time to deal with the spam, as admin almost certainly has a day job and needs to actually pay attention to that. I just ignore the forum and come back a day later when I...
  19. C


    A tip I read online when I bought my Prius forever ago was to press the accelerator pedal as if you had a raw egg between it and your foot. You can press it, but gently apply pressure, don't press hard/fast.
  20. C

    Charging time 2016 60AH

    Four hours sounds about right. It doesn't pull maximum amperage right at the "ends" of the battery. So about 0-5% it won't pull the full 30A, and 95-100% it won't pull the full 30A. Yeah, BMW claims 32 hours, but I have a 10kW EVSE, and when I drained my battery to 1%, it took a smidge over 4...