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  1. S

    What Spec to Order?

    The 19" wheels offer a quieter and more comfortable ride. If that is important to you, make the decision on function as opposed to looks.
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    Door Ding

    Well, I didn't think it was possible with the composite material, but yesterday I noticed a small door ding in the drivers door. It's not a defect in the finish. It has the classic small crease in a small dish shape. Funny, no paint damage. I wonder if existing dent repair processes work on...
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    2015 I3 Rex Deal

    Keep the Prius for another year. They're good cars, I had two. BMW has already hinted to an increased range in 2016. Buy the i3 2.0, it will be a better car benefitting from much learning from the first.
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    Top speed limiter removal?

    Given the quick steering and jittery feeling at 75, I can't imagine wanting to test stability at 100!
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    Has anyone lemoned their i3 yet?

    Mine is eligible, but I love the car. I only had one incident which took just shy of 30 days to repair. If I get another big issue, I may ask them to buy it back and wait for i3 2.0. Btw, I had 4500 miles and 6 months on the clock before the first and only problem cropped up. When I broached...
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    i Vehicle repairs

    Just a guess, but from my own experience having owned many BMW's, I think the repair expense for the i3 is astronomical compared to the ICE cars. It's due to the fact that every part seems to plow new ground for the repair techs and most parts have to come from Germany. In my case, I estimated...
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    Chemical smell from air conditioning
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    New BMW Rex i3 Owner (3 Days) Questions For The Owners :)

    1. Go into settings and make sure you select maximum charge rate. Default from the dealer is low. 2. I think there is a setting for enabling HD radio reception, might be confusing my cars. 3.. Even if you don't use the Rex, every 6 weeks or so, it will fire up in maintenance mode for a few...
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    Just curious about coding the REX hold.....

    Mine failed on the street and had to be towed directly to BMW.
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    How many have had the drive train malfunction error?

    Same thing happened to me Jeff. My parts arrived in one week. They may be changing the design of the EME and that's why there are so few parts. That's just a guess.
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    Just curious about coding the REX hold.....

    I sweated bullets when my car was in the shop.
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    Jump Start

    I don't think it's possible, but read the manual anyway. The i3 has a very small 12v motorcycle battery embedded in the frunk. It only powers the ready electronics, and can't be charged through power outlets. I'd forget about helping others with this car.
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    Code i3 in San Francisco Bay Area

    Do me a favor, next time you're in your car and the Giants are on 680, tell us if t sounds ok while accelerating.
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    Just curious about coding the REX hold.....

    Has anyone had any issues with BMW over coding their i3 for REX hold?
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    Chemical smell from air conditioning

    I had the odor right after my EME and batteries were replaced. Lots of different coolant lines were removed and replaced. Took about a week for the smell to go away while AC was on.
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    Is BMW QA an oxymoron?

    I feel the same way as you Bill. In fact, BMW Concierge and my dealer were more than willing to start buy back proceedings with my car (recent posts about EME failure). But I love the car and understand this is i3 V1.0 and will have untested issues. I'm hoping that I can go a few years now...
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    Is BMW QA an oxymoron?

    My EME was just replaced, it had to be shipped from Germany!
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    i3 Car Care

    Severe draught here, no car care required :D