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  1. S

    Would you buy it again?

  2. S

    March software update?

    Boy, if the change came with the KLE update, it must have been reallllly strong before. My car was delivered with the new KLE and it almost comes to a stop on my steep driveway.
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    Tire pressures- what's best?

    I think you will find the 19" tire/wheel combination will offer a quieter, smoother ride.
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    A.M. Radio experiment

    I knew this, I'm an engineer, just had to prove it for myself.
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    A.M. Radio experiment

    Well, I couldn't just let go of having no am radio to listen to my SFGiants. I bought a Sony portable for $12 off amazon. Just tried it in my i3......crap. Terrible interference every where in the passenger compartment. It's ok when stopped, but as soon as you depress the accelerator, the...
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    How often to recharge?

    I've read posts about trying to maintain the charge level between to points, but I don't bother. I plug in my car after every outing so I know I've got full range. Btw, mine is a rex, but I still always charge.
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    Windshield replacement

    I had the windshield on my 335d replaced with non oem glass. The mirror never fit correctly. The windshield got cracked again, this time went for the oem glass, perfect fit. The installer said they're made in the same factory, but my experience tells me the QC is more thorough on the oem glass.
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    Would this help?

    And out gas to windshield.
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    Don't update that iOS i3 app just yet

    Just updated my iPad app.....crashes and doesn't open.
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    Hey, Mr. Moderator!

    I view the board frequently. I could volunteer to kill spam if I was given guidelines.
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    After 5K, a place for everything; everything in its place

    Alas, someone more anal than me :D .
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    White with all four wheel types

    Totally agree. I test drove both size tires back to back, and the noise and harsh ride really turned me off to the 20" wheels. My dealer would not swap the tires on the car I wanted, so I had to pay a little more for a swapped Tera with the 19". The loaded cars are hard to find with the...
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    Help: CA HOV Decals - do I need the license plate first?

    My application got returned because the registration process was incomplete. Took one month after I received registration.
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    March software update?

    My dealer is a volume seller of i3's. They didn't know anything about it either. They kept insisting I was referring to the KLE update (which was replaced at the port on my car).
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    "Cannot be stored" error with radio

    I don't think you delete, you just overwrite a function button.
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    Software update has ruined my car

    Where are you located?
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    Replace AUX-in/USB module

    Dealer should replace under warranty.
  18. S

    BWM Issues Software update?

    That's exactly how I see it too. I'll just do the mod then and forget about the BMW update until they actually produce some meaningful content.
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    BWM Issues Software update?

    Tomasz, what is the benefit of the soc vs the guessometer? What I'm trying to assess is how important future updates are before I do the dvdinmotion mod. I want to avoid having to do it twice if BMW steps on the code. I'm also waiting for their pending gas tank change.
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    BWM Issues Software update?

    Thanks, so if I understand correctly, the software that increases the hold limit and utilizes topography to start the Rex, and also displays battery charge percentage has been put off until some future software update? I guess there is no projected date for this change.