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  1. B

    Plugging a flat - lessons learned

    Third time's the charm. No loss of pressure. Bob Wilson
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    Plugging a flat - lessons learned

    Actually I have new replacement, rear tires, just waiting for nice weather. This is the most worn tire and perfect for learning how to do a field plug. As for my jack, it was on sale one day and I got it as a general purpose solution ... we have more than one car. I was surprised by the height...
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    ePower metre faulty?

    There have been credible reports that sometimes the vehicle controllers fail to boot up in time and working. If the problem returns after a power-ON, reset, let us know? Trouble shooting a transient problem can lead to a lot of wasted time ... not that I am implying anything. We can help on...
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    Plugging a flat - lessons learned

    PART 2 Weeks later, the repaired tire pressure was down to ~30 psi but I had an appointment. A slow leak, I inflated the tire and made my appointment. It was down ~5 psi after the appointment so I fetched some groceries and went home where the pressure was down ~14 psi (1 bar.) Breakfast and a...
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    What is your attitudes and preferences toward EVs?

    For me, still broke. I suspect it is a network firewall issue. Bob Wilson
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    What is your attitudes and preferences toward EVs?

    I tried Safari, Firefox, and Google Chrome and all of them failed to connect. Bob Wilson
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    2014 i3 getting only ~40 miles on full charge

    Where is this car? I'd like to take a look at it. Bob Wilson
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    Keeping BMW i3-REx, replacing Prius Prime with Model 3

    When I ordered, it was estimated to be 2-4 weeks. More recently, those numbers nearly doubled BUT I put my order in Thursday, April 28, ~7:30 PM (CST). I would have put the order in sooner but I was taking a nap (you snooze you lose.) Regardless, I've finished all the paper work I can do without...
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    How is your i3's reliability ?

    Yes. I have the temperature monitoring set and also used a IR photography to confirm. Lower temperature means less rolling drag. Bob Wilson
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    How is your i3's reliability ?

    Hi, A Prius owner since Oct 2005, there has been a lot of written about how to drive our cars efficiently. My approach has been to maximize tuning of the car: four wheel alignment - both front and rear with minimum camber. maximum sidewall pressure - reduces rolling drag and improves handling...
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    2015 i3 Hold SOC charge not what it seems?

    Use a GPS device to measure your true speed. Bob Wilson
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    Keeping BMW i3-REx, replacing Prius Prime with Model 3

    I'm sure it is half a year for each step. But it is a minor part of my purchase decision. It only has an effect in 2020 with refunds. I have to first buy the car and that is today's money. The 37K model has a lot of cabin features and only a marginal, 20 mi, increase in performance. I'm used...
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    Keeping BMW i3-REx, replacing Prius Prime with Model 3

    It wasn't 'give up' on the i3 because I realized the motor mount bolt was an infantile problem. Rather it was the driver assistance that I insist every car have: dynamic cruise control - the car must maintain a safe following distance without or a minimum of driver intervention. automatic...
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    Keeping BMW i3-REx, replacing Prius Prime with Model 3

    Hi, Well I find it easy to switch from an investor to a customer. The $3,750 tax credit is good through the end of June so the key is to place the order with enough lead time to get the car by then. The tax credit applies to the 2019 taxes filed in 2020. I ran the configuration tool: $39,500...
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    Why are 'loud cars' so tempting?

    Today, there was a loud, exhaust car in another lane and I quietly snuck up behind it. My plan was to come up along side at a light and 'shame' him. But I realized ... how childish ... BUT FUN! Am I the only one? Bob Wilson
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    Plugging a flat - lessons learned

    After visiting a hardware store, a flat: The offender is in the upper left corner. Some sort of sheet metal screw based upon the head: Using a flat, get it high enough to grasp the head: Needle nose, vice grips make it easy to unscrew: More easily than trying to remove with the flat...
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    We have met the enemy and he is us

    Careless EV drivers can also break the public chargers they need by abusing the J1772 and cable. For example, a new, free, dual, 80A, L2 charger lost one side due to a "diode error." This is a Tesla class, EVSE. But it had been installed without J1772 holsters to keep them off the ground and...
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    Standard UK 10A charging unit

    Post a photo of the unit? Bob Wilson
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    New to me 17' Rex questions

    For coding, I use: "ECO Pro" - midway between the default "COMFORT" and torturous "ECO Pro+", it moderates the acceleration to get more range. You still have HVAC so the cabin remains comfortable. key fob "Panic" becomes "pre-condition" - hitting the button about 20 minutes before leaving while...
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    All EV in 2014 BMW i3-REx

    The trip meter has two metrics: mi/kWh miles (mi) kWh = mi / (mi/kWh) The only thing missing is the SOC % but I think my dash cam has enough resolution to get both. Two legs behind the driver seat and the third stretched back and held with gaffer table. I appreciate the challenge of trying to...