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  1. B

    The spam here is insane!

    Speculation on my part, I wonder if the oriental font could be converted to "SPACE"? In effect, making these SPAM posting into blanks. Bob Wilson
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    Has anyone benchmarked the three driving modes?

    I wonder if the oriental FONT can be disabled? Replace it will blanks. Bob Wilson
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    Has anyone benchmarked the three driving modes?

    Hi, I normally drive on "ECO PRO" because it provides a good blend of smoothing the acceleration while retaining reasonable HVAC. But while investigating Model 3 performance to measure net HP, I found their "Chill" mode had similar acceleration to "ECO PRO" up to ~70 mph. I'm waiting on a GPS...
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    Has anyone benchmarked the three driving modes?

    Hi, I normally drive on "ECO PRO" because it provides a good blend of smoothing the acceleration while retaining reasonable HVAC. But while investigating Model 3 performance to measure net HP, I found their "Chill" mode had similar acceleration to "ECO PRO" up to ~70 mph. I'm waiting on a GPS...
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    Benchmarks: 2014 BMW i3-REx and Standard Range Plus Model 3

    That is the consensus in the Model 3 user forum. I'm waiting for the GPS mouse before doing any more tests. FYI, I also had the BMW i3-REx in "Eco Pro" mode too. Bob Wilson
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    Benchmarks: 2014 BMW i3-REx and Standard Range Plus Model 3

    I ran three, bidirectional, benchmarks using a dash cam on a fairly flat, paved road on the west boundary with the airport. I then transcribed the GPS time, latitude, and speed Surprising results: Nearly identical acceleration to 65-70 mph 2014 BMW i3-REx is speed limited to ~90 mph 2014 BMW...
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    License SuperCharger

    CCS is too expensive. Give up on it and license Tesla fast DC charging technology. Bob Wilson
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    Kept the BMW i3-REx and sold the Prius Prime Plus

    Have a Standard Range Plus Model 3. Bob Wilson
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    Planning a benchmark

    Hi, I'm planning a benchmark and wanted to run this by folks: enable Rex at 75% to handle power needed above 70 mph maximum acceleration on straight, flat, road record acceleration and speed using GPS two passes in opposite direction repeat pairs to look for loss measure weight for mass at a...
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    Tire pressure sticker missing?

    So that is why I have to buy my own and leave them in each car. Bob Wilson
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    Two Outta Three Ain't Bad We own two of these three cars ... very happily. Bob Wilson
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    Plugging a flat - lessons learned

    The driver side tire after ~36k miles was worn out: inner, shallow groove had disappeared middle groove was just about at the wear bars outer groove was shallow I was planning to replace both rear tires and had the news ones already from Tire Rack. I was waiting for good weather. The passenger...
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    Plugging a flat - lessons learned

    Here is my first, successful plug from the inside: I had to do the second one twice. The key was letting the sealant fill the reamed hole. The first plug failed with a slow air leak. Internally, there were two plugs: Since I replaced the Prius Prime with a Tesla Model 3, the BMW i3-REx is...
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    Keeping BMW i3-REx, replacing Prius Prime with Model 3

    I don't know as I traded in the Prius Prime. The BMW i3-REx is a better PHEV and I'm keeping it. Bob Wilson
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    i3 replacement

    Source: Replacement, maybe for the i3. Beats weight loss. Bob Wilson
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    Keeping BMW i3-REx, replacing Prius Prime with Model 3

    Arrived home close to 5:00 PM after: Wife enjoyed trip with the smallest dog while the other two were in the 'doggy groomers' Delivery team worked fine but I got a panicked call 'Do you have the check?'. Confirmed they found it later and it is deposited. Still not available from the EPA web...
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    How many have had the drive train malfunction error?

    I own a June 2014 build i3 Rex which I have had for over a year. Apart from the recall work, it’s been pretty trouble free and, most important, fun, practical and almost completely electric. It started pinging us with drivetrain error warnings about 5 weeks ago but these never resulted in...
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    Need hand holding on 2015 Rex Fuel Tank capacity

    Where are you located? Can you make a video posted to YouTube showing what you're doing? Bob Wilson
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    Need hand holding on 2015 Rex Fuel Tank capacity

    This is all I know: Bob Wilson