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  1. B

    BMW Confirms No Direct i3 Successor

    Every company has a right to be wrong . . . this is the company I would SHORT. Bob Wilson
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    Kia Niro EV

    I've seen speculation that an over-sized battery could be managed that way. It might also be worth while to look at battery temperatures. Our Model 3 and BMW i3 both exhibit a charge taper but they also turn on the AC to moderate the battery temperature. BTW, the limited availability means it...
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    Disappointing tire alignment

    You've got it right. IMHO, we should get 40,000 service miles out of each tire. But this requires attention to camber, toe, and tire pressure. IMHO, BMW USA has no technical expertise in this technical issue. Bob Wilson
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    Disappointing tire alignment

    Hi, With new rear tires, 34,000 service miles on the old, I took the car in to get a 4-wheel alignment. I explicitly asked for zero camber and minimum toe: Initial camber (L/R): -1.40 / -1.53 Final camber (L/R): -1.44 / -1.43 Tire pressures: 34 psi front, 41 psi rear However, the tech showed...
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    Munro EV conference trip report

    Trip report: Bob Wilson
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    My BMW mechanic in our Tesla Model 3

    Hi, I had verified via GPS measurements that the Model 3 in "chill" mode had nearly identical acceleration to our BMW i3-REx. So I gave my favorite BMW mechanic a test drive and he confirmed it . . . seat of the pants. Then I enabled "standard" mode and he confirmed it is 'nice'. We also did a...
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    Charge Percentage

    It is for regeneration efficiency. A fully charged battery does not have the 'head room' to accept the high power rates of regenerative braking. So the mechanical brake is used which wastes the energy that otherwise be put into the battery. This is not quite accurate. It is efficiency, leaving...
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    Drive an i3 with REX for 700+ Miles?

    Check the engine oil level before leaving. I had a false "Check Engine" light due to the oil level being too low. Not to be petty but if you get a "Check Engine" light, the rest of the trip will be interesting but not a lot of fun. Use and create a free account. Set the filter...
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    Drive an i3 with REX for 700+ Miles?

    The Briggs and Stratton can is 2.5 gal. Since I do a lot of driving at night, it was insurance for a closed truck stop. The problem with inside the cabin is after use (and filling,) there will be gas fumes. In the frunk, not so much. You might look at to identify truck stops along...
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    Drive an i3 with REX for 700+ Miles?

    If you have a computer with a 1,200 pixel wide screen, www, has an excellent trip planning tool: create a free account and identify your car set the connector filter for J1772 and CCS scroll down to "Trip Planner" and "Create New" enter your starting and ending destination turn off...
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    2019 Model 3 vs 2014 BMW i3-REx

    Hi, We're still keeping our 2014 BMW i3-REx as backup for our 2019 Tesla Model 3 but after some cross country trips, +700 mi each way, we have a better idea of the relative EV costs: 60-101 kW -> $0.26/min Model 3 15-60 kW -> $0.13/min Model 3 0-50 kW -> $0.30/min BMW i3-REx The Model 3...
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    Any one here ordered a Tesla Model 3?

    On March 26, we took delivery of our Standard Range Plus Model 3 (SR+M3) and traded in our 2017 Prius Prime. Our 2014 BMW i3-REx, 40k miles, is the backup. We have 6.5k miles on the SR+M3. We did +700 mile trips between Huntsville AL and Coffeyville KS and Richardson (aka., Dallas) TX taking...
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    Bye Bye . . . SPAM wins

    Sorry, I don't have time to fiddle with this nonsense. Bob Wilson
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    Autopilot saved our lives

    Basic Autopilot In a rush, I left my electric razor and Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) machine at home. In a world of disposables, the razor was easily fixed (Barbasol still tastes crappy) but a CPAP is not an off the shelf item. Used to treat sleep apnea, it ensures my sleep is not...
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    Benchmarks: 2014 BMW i3-REx and Standard Range Plus Model 3

    When I get the GPS mouse. I'll have to weigh both vehicles to get their mass and then track the slow-down from say 70 mph to 10 mph. The change in kinetic energy will be what was regenerated. Actually I should be able to do the calculations on the regeneration based on the GPS mouse polling...
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    The spam here is insane!

    Since they were hawking false documents, perhaps we should bought an arrest warrant for them? Bob Wilson
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    Failed Emission Test

    Thank you! A side question, do you know the maximum amp rating of the traction battery-to-12V battery? The reason I ask is my first Prius modification was to install a 1.1 kW, 12V-to-110VAC inverter. Testing revealed it could draw ~70A before we saw a 12V dip. We used it as our emergency...
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    Failed Emission Test

    Is the memory chip part of the battery or something part of the car? Thanks, Bob Wilson
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    Failed Emission Test

    One caution about disconnecting the 12V battery. I've not done this, yet, so I'm only sharing what I've read here. There are reports that changing a 12V battery requires pairing it with the car. My only caution is disconnecting and reconnecting a 12V battery may trigger the battery repairing...
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    Benchmarks: 2014 BMW i3-REx and Standard Range Plus Model 3

    Both cars have a 'hold' mode that I find quite useful on hills and slopes. Brake to a stop and cars remain fixed even with foot off brake and pressing the accelerator moves the cars out smartly. Bob Wilson