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  1. M

    Battery discharging while Stationary

    Yeah. I did that. Don't think that was the cause of the battery failure. Just that it's 5 years old :?
  2. M

    Battery discharging while Stationary

    Thanks Art. Will see what I can find here in NZ. Frunk is in the dark end of the garage: any way of turning the car around (pushing) that you can think of?
  3. M

    Battery discharging while Stationary

    Took too long getting a replacement. :o Battery now completely dead - cannot drive. What are the specifications for a replacement 12V battery, please? Will have to fit it myself.
  4. M

    Battery discharging while Stationary

    Thanks for the replies. I had the 12V on charge overnight for 18 hours without isolating it. When I opened up this morning I no longer got the message about "discharging while stationary". I'll check tomorrow morning to see if there is a SOC drop in the HV overnight.
  5. M

    Battery discharging while Stationary

    Sure: - if it's dead flat. But I understand that it maintains its full charge by being topped up from the HV and this happens when any of the doors or front or back hatches are opened. My question is, given that it can top up small amounts of normal discharge by using the HV, why can it not do a...
  6. M

    Battery discharging while Stationary

    OK. Mine is on charge now. I'll see how it behaves in the morning. My i3 number is 16-07-503 so it seems that I don't have to do the dis-connecting thing from the HV. Just a question. With an ICE car, the battery is recharged (after starting) from an alternator that spins while the engine is...
  7. M

    Battery discharging while Stationary

    Thanks Art. Do I need to disconnect the negative while charging? or not?
  8. M

    Battery discharging while Stationary

    My i3 had been unused while we were away for 2 months. I had connected the 12V battery to a solar panel, through a controller, to keep it charged. When we got home, the car was dead. A cigarette lighter voltmeter showed a reading of < 10V. (This time last year, all was fine with this regime.)...
  9. M

    Aux battery charging during long term storage

    An alternative method that I have used requires that you can arrange a solar panel reasonably close. I have installed a small (10-15 watt) solar panel on the roof of my garage. This runs through a small solar controller. I have wired an electrical 2 pin socket into the 12V terminal under the...
  10. M

    12V battery

    Yeah, I think I may have been scared into taking unnecessary precautions. Reading back through the advice in the manual, it seems that it is aimed at ensuring the HV battery comes through a period of storage unscathed. If the DC-DC charger (of 12V battery) never activates unless the car is...
  11. M

    12V battery

    Thanks for all the replies. Art, I described disconnecting the battery in an i3 as a "nightmare" only because in an ICE there are no issues whereas with an i3 there are multiple warnings of dire consequences should you miss a step or do something wrong. One of the references given in the...
  12. M

    12V battery

    From the manual: Given that the HV disconnect switch on my i3 is not the same as that displayed in any online instructions that I have seen (and which appears to be a prerequisite for disconnecting the 12V battery, to prevent it going flat, my intention, at this stage is to leave the HV battery...
  13. M

    12V battery

    I probably would do that, if I had an EVSE. I'm assuming that an EVSE has more smarts than just a domestic AC outlet. I also assume that the in-line charging unit that I use to recharge the vehicle from my domestic supply will automatically stop charging once the battery is at 100%. What I...
  14. M

    12V battery

    Hey Art. Thanks very much for all that advice. I know I would be a nervous wreck to find out all of that while doing it for the first time. Very very helpful. :-)
  15. M

    12V battery

    OK, if I'm going to be storing the car for 2 months then my best course of action is 1 - disconnect the high-voltage system from the 12V system. 2 - disconnect the 12V battery negative terminal. Is that it? Does everything work again on reconnection without doing anything special? Also, if...
  16. M

    12V battery

    My domestic charger is not smart. I usually charge the car through a timer such that it charges from about 30% to 80%. Any idea how many minutes a day would cover the "dark" drain from the 12V battery? Would 5 minutes a day cover it? (Then the question is whether I'm happy to leave a 10amp...
  17. M

    12V battery

    Thanks for that reply, Art. Woah! It all looks pretty intimidating :? My BEV is 2016 - maybe we don't need to disconnect the HV? You say you disconnect the 12V before putting the car in storage. We will be leaving the car unused for two months next year. Is that long enough to warrant doing...
  18. M

    12V battery

    Since I have a 12V charger, this sounds like a reasonable solution to getting going again - even if it's just so I can get the car to a dealer to replace the battery. Is there a link to how to disconnect the high-voltage??
  19. M

    12V battery

    So, if the trickle charge gets it back up so I can start the car, will the car run OK until the next time I stop and try to re-start it? ie, do I have just one shot at driving to the nearest BMW shop - 100kms away for me? How long are people getting out of their 12v batteries before they die...
  20. M

    Parking sensor picking up towball

    I can handle that - at least it's expected. I can turn the gong off, too, but it also turns off the camera. I've found that you can turn the volume of the gong down (to a certain minimum level) by touching the volume button while the gong is sounding. It may be possible to set the minimum...