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  1. M

    Range Estimate

    Yes: open road running usually using navigation. Usually not flat terrain, but I thought the algorithm should figure that out.
  2. M

    Range Estimate

    Talking about a 94kWh 2016 BEV. Have had it for a couple of years now and it has consistently over-estimated the remaining range. I never look at this with my normal driving around town, but it suddenly becomes very relevant when on a 100km plus open road trip. The over-estimate is not caused...
  3. M

    BMW Apps

    Thanks. Should have said Android. mi3 does not appear there. :-(
  4. M

    Any members in New Zealand ?

    #akmodi Where do you plan to get yours serviced? I think yours and mine are the only 2 in Rotorua. None of the major (well thought of) garages seem to know anything about them. One tried to tell me that it was a requirement to get the Aircon recharged every 2 years (at a cost of $600!) Someone...
  5. M

    BMW Apps

    A friend has a Nissan Leaf and showed me a screen from his LeafSpy app. It showed a really useful table of metrics from each of his recent trips - one row for each trip - covering distance travelled, state of charge, energy used and a whole lot of other useful data (teh details of which I can no...
  6. M

    Routine re-gas of aircon?

    What an unkind thought ;)
  7. M

    Routine re-gas of aircon?

    Yeah - A/C is working fine. Thanks everyone for your input on this. I have saved those very useful links. Will not be using the garage again: while wanting to recharge the A/C they completely omitted the replacement of the cabin micro-filters :( I might try to replace those, myself. What a...
  8. M

    Routine re-gas of aircon?

    True. Where would one find a copy of BMW's schedule of routine maintenance for a BEV i3? I have not been able to track one down.
  9. M

    Routine re-gas of aircon?

    Well, I don't mind "topping up" if it is needed - but they suggested that a recharge is needed routinely. Has anyone else heard of this requirement? I wonder if there is some test that can be done to ascertain whether a recharge is called for?
  10. M

    Routine re-gas of aircon?

    I have just dropped my 2016 BEV i3 into the garage to have an annual service check. It's just done 50,000 kms. They informed me that it should have a complete recharge of the aircon system "because the aircon is used to cool the battery and if you don't, then the battery could overheat and...
  11. M

    Battery discharging while Stationary

    Sorry, Art. Crossed your post. Seems DTC 's not the problem. Thanks for your post. :-)
  12. M

    Battery discharging while Stationary

    OK. Fixed :) One thing I thought I noticed was that the brake pedal felt hard when I went to engage the gear select. I have now confirmed that that IS a relevant symptom. Since all the 12V stuff was working as normal, I revisited the HV connection. I disconnected and then re-connected the...
  13. M

    Battery discharging while Stationary

    Problems. I picked up an identical replacement battery from the agents (90kms way) yesterday. Put it on charge overnight. Installed it this morning and reconnected the HV (through the fiddly HV connector). All 12V systems seem to be working: unlocks and relocks everything; screens are alive...
  14. M

    Battery discharging while Stationary

    All good. Thanks.
  15. M

    Battery discharging while Stationary

    No, the HV was sitting at 43% when I parked it but everything was dead in the morning, so I don't know how much trying to charge the 12V would have drained it before it finally fell over. Not much I can do about it anyway.
  16. M

    Battery discharging while Stationary

    The car was imported into NZ from the UK. I got the battery manufacturer off the old battery that is now out of the vehicle.
  17. M

    Battery discharging while Stationary

    It's the East Penn Manufacturing Co. I've got it out and will take it around a few local suppliers tomorrow to see if anyone can source a direct replacement - otherwise find the closest "other" 20aH AGM that I can. I'll also call the nearest BMW dealer to find if they have a direct replacement...
  18. M

    Battery discharging while Stationary

    That's interesting. Hydrogen is lighter than air, but the venting tube heads downwards :?
  19. M

    Battery discharging while Stationary

    It's good to hear that it doesn't have to be an exact match. I have found some AGM batteries of 20aH and similar dimensions, but none have the breather tube. How important is that?
  20. M

    Battery discharging while Stationary

    Yeah, looks like that's what I'll have to do. No BMW dealer within 90km so I'll do the replacement myself and then get it registered. Biggest problem may be getting the correct replacement battery. I appreciate you sharing your knowledge.