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  1. 2016bmwi3

    Brakes overheating

    Thank you kd7iwp and mojo
  2. 2016bmwi3

    Brakes overheating

    Do you think the master cylinder needs to be replaced? I just did a little research on google and another BMW post said it could be the brake fluid, but it wasn't an i3.
  3. 2016bmwi3

    Brakes overheating

    I just took it for another drive and there is white smoke coming out of those two sides, I checked with a thermometer and they are over 500 degrees, the rotors.
  4. 2016bmwi3

    Brakes overheating

    Hi, I hope to get some help. Recently, my i3 rear left and front right brakes were overheating. We took it to the dealer and they said the calipers were frozen. They also said to replace all brake pads and rotors. After 3 mobile mechanics and about $1000, they still seem to overheat. Replaced...
  5. 2016bmwi3


    Hi everyone, Just a 2016 BMW i3 owner here. Hope I can learn as much as I can. Thank you