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  1. J

    A/C off but blowing cold air

    Are you running in Comfort mode or EcoPro? My i3 doesn't deliver heated air when running in EcoPro.
  2. J

    how many batterys could the BEV have

    busaman The i3 ReX weighs 1316kg and the i3 weighs 1195kg. Difference is 121kg so that's what the range extender weighs when it's installed. The i3 battery is 108Wh/kg so for 10kWhrs it would weigh 93kg. The range would then go up by about 50% less the range lost through having a heavier...
  3. J

    how many batterys could the BEV have

    Putting motors in the wheels is not straightforward but is already happening for buses (BYD are already doing it) but then it's a different car from an i3. One interesting battery development is the solid state DryLyte battery that Bosch have just acquired. This gives about 300Wh/kg, about...
  4. J

    Impressions one year on

    I tested the A3 e-tron before I bought the i3. It was a very well put together ICE car with a small electric range (20-30 miles) but from a battery half the size on the i3 (9kWhrs instead of the 18kWhrs of the i3 - which tells you a lot about how inefficient the e-tron really is). I live a...
  5. J

    Impressions one year on

    A 70m range in Hampshire, UK seems very low for a Rex: that equates to an average 3.8miles/kWhr. My average is 4.5miles/kWhr (80-85 miles). Have you looked at your community average? I assume you've adapted to using regen and not brakes? I charge every day at home and I would expect all/most...
  6. J

    how many with zero i3 problems?

    Three months, 3,000miles of trouble-free and enjoyable motoring. As someone else mentioned, only problem if fighting the wife for the keys - it's so easy and such fun to drive.
  7. J

    Gotta love these running costs...

    Ecoangel It was five (5) year servicing that I quoted. The i3 is lighter than many comparable ICE cars. Any source for the reduction in battery capacity per year?
  8. J

    Gotta love these running costs...

    My five year service charges (not repairs) for an A-Class Mercedes petrol-engine, automatic - £2,939.24 My five year service charges on my i3 bought at purchase of car - £375.00 Compelling, I think.
  9. J

    Gotta love these running costs...

    Epirali Be happy to do so, anything in particular? I am assuming you mean in terms of this topic? I meant in terms of battery life. I have a five year service package which came with the new car so I'm not worried about normal servicing costs. The 2013 Leaf has an air-cooled Lithium...
  10. J

    Gotta love these running costs...

    Battery replacement was the only significant cost raised in the original post so I think a discussion here is quite appropriate. Can you relate the Leaf experience to the i3?
  11. J

    Gotta love these running costs...
  12. J

    To all lease owners: Do you wish you had bought instead?

    If right now, the cost to replace the battery is roughly $10-15k, in six years it will probably be sub $5k, so I don't see that as a major issue. The i3 has an eight-year battery warranty so replacement before then isn't a cost for you. You can buy a five-year maintenance-service package for a...
  13. J

    Gotta love these running costs...

    Leaf Battery reliability
  14. J

    Gotta love these running costs...

    Yes, touched a nerve. Every blog is populated with people throwing FUD (Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt) and they do it by saying that they 'believe' something to be true. Some people are taken in by this and some aren't. There is certainly a place on an owners forum like this for shared...
  15. J

    Gotta love these running costs...

    I would believe that the i3 --- But the question is why you would believe that. My nonsense comment was made because making a comment just based on a view that doesn't seem to have any basis in reality is probably just that, nonsense. So please provide some kind of reason as to why you 'would...
  16. J

    Gotta love these running costs...

    I would agree with you on the facts, however you seem to be somewhat short on facts. You've speculated as to what the battery management system is, including admitting you don't know whether there's a radiator or not, instead of finding out what it actually consists of "The air conditioning...
  17. J

    Welcome to the BMW i3 Forum

    Brice - welcome to the future. Brilliant idea to set up an i3 Forum for France. Even though you have chosen a ReX you may still find this website on rapid CCS chargers in Europe useful produced by Mutwin Kraus. You will see that whilst Brittany and Western Loire is well...
  18. J

    About to pull the trigger...questions for owners before leas

    The pedestrian warning sound. In the UK we have an audible sound at pedestrian crossings. My American colleague asked me what the sound was and I said it was for the blind people. She said that in the States they don't allow blind people to drive.
  19. J

    11k miles of mixed Rex-ing

    Do you have any more information on the 19.6 to 19.9kWhr update. When was it made available and how do you get it?
  20. J

    11k miles of mixed Rex-ing

    mind machine - I haven't seen an update here in the UK. Any more info?