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  1. J

    How many have had the drive train malfunction error?

    I agree with Art on BMW responsiveness. My local dealer has been great in terms of customer service and I'm driving an i3 loaner that is virtually the same as my car, but its been in the shop since Labor Day with an ETA of "later this week". Apparently the EME failed and it's taken over 2...
  2. J

    i3 REx with HoldCharge Coded

    Was not implying that you couldn't or shouldn't do long range driving - its obviously possible to do so and many have (including me). Was just trying to respond to OP when asked if the car could be driven without charging. I interpreted that to mean indefinitely, which seems silly to me...
  3. J

    i3 REx with HoldCharge Coded

    Technically yes, but every time you deactivate HSOC (for example shutting off the car), when you re-engage it, you can only re-engage it at the level of charge that its currently at. You'd probably lose a couple of percentage points each time this happened, and would eventually reach the point...
  4. J

    Coding the i3

    Works fine under Windows 8.1 also.
  5. J

    Check Engine Light on REX

    Pretty sure I've read that the SOC display is a BMWNA feature, and isn't available outside the US (maybe Canada?).
  6. J

    Long List of Issues

    Just as another point of reference, mine was built between Oct. 9 - 16, 2014, and it was built with the new KLE at the factory. My car was on the same boat as another member here, Sparky, and his was apparently held at the port to have the KLE replaced. Mine was released from the Port in only...
  7. J

    BMW may have to up the ante soon...

    3% in 12 months would be really high, and would definitely require replacing all the batteries under warranty. I'll be a lot more curious about this once they get to 1 year, 2 years, etc. An aerospace engineer who works with batteries on space probes has stated on the Facebook group that its...
  8. J

    Our first long distance Rex trip

    If you code your REx and turn it on at 75% rather than letting it get low, you should find that you can climb any type of hill/mountain pass and recover your charge on the other side (provided you have enough gas once you clear the pass). I took my REx up into the CO mountains, climbing a total...
  9. J

    Purring / humming noise when charging

    Ditto that. Just wait a month or two and you'll have plenty of other charging/range items occupying your mind.
  10. J

    Charging on Dryer plug help....

    You can't just "wire up a J1772 to a 10-30 plug". An EVSE is required (basically an intelligent switch that talks the protocol and has safety features built in). There are inexpensive EVSE's that can plug into a 10-30 plug, you can build your own (google for OpenEVSE), or you can buy...
  11. J

    Drivetrain Malfunction

    Drove to the airport yesterday (80 mile round-trip), REx kicked in with a couple miles left. Came home, plugged in, no issue. About an hour into charging, unplugged, ran to grocery store, came home and plugged in again. Noticed an error message on my phone a couple of hours later. Charging...
  12. J

    Bang, then shut down, drivetrain malfunction error.....

    Hopefully its all fixed for you now. Our cars came in on the same boat, so I'm hoping that I won't have the same problem. Do you know what your manufacturing date was? Mine was built on October 9-16.
  13. J

    how many batterys could the BEV have

    If BMW makes an i5 with only 100-150 miles of range, they deserve to get all the derision that will be humped on them. I don't think you can sell a mid-size SUV or sedan that doesn't get at least 200 miles on a charge - there is simply too much announced (not yet delivered!) competition coming...
  14. J

    Has anyone got a fault-free i3?

    Commuting mostly (15 miles round trip with lots of hills and stoplights) I get ~3.8 in the winter and 4.3 in the summer. If I do any extended driving, including highway, my averages creep up toward 4.8 (4.2 in the winter). I don't mind accelerating hard, but I normally don't drive it like a...
  15. J

    how many batterys could the BEV have

    A Tesla has roughly 4 times the battery capacity of an i3 (85 kWh vs. 22 kWh), but its range is only roughly 3 times (265 miles vs. 81 miles). This is partially reflected in the efficiency of the i3 (~4 mi/kWh) vs. the Tesla (~3 mi/kWh). That difference in efficiency explains a lot about the...
  16. J

    how often to run the gas motor

    But maintenance mode will only run if you are below 75% charge, so if you are getting warnings about maintenance mode that don't go away, that's probably the reason.
  17. J

    how many with zero i3 problems?

    8400 miles, nearly 9 months, 1 voluntary dealer visit for a software update (which fixed the intermittent CEL).
  18. J

    Gotta love these running costs...

    Battery warranty in the US is 8 years, 100,000 miles (not km's). From what I've read, the warranty is for 70% of the nominal capacity (18.8 kWh nomimal, so capacity below 13.16 kWh). Below that before 8 years and you'll get a replacement battery. There has been a lot of chatter on the...
  19. J

    charging noise

    See this blog from one of the admins here:
  20. J

    Gotta love these running costs...

    As for the original post, I've been keeping pretty accurate records since purchase, and my monthly operating costs are tracking to 3.1 cents/mile after 7800 miles (94% electric).