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  1. R

    Successfully added Traffic Jam Assistant to US model -- interested in other people's experience with TJA

    I used to be "with it," but then they changed what "it" was; now what I'm with isn't "it," and what's "it" is seems weird and scary to me.
  2. R

    12v battery monitor

  3. R

    Bmw i3 2019 120Ah Lodge imperial blue in France

    You're probably fine . . . original covers were ok with EF1 tornado wind-driven rain in Kansas. Pretty Wizard of Oz here that night! Sideways rain coming from the charging flap side of car . . .
  4. R

    Successfully added Traffic Jam Assistant to US model -- interested in other people's experience with TJA

    How did that work? Did your car already have the necessary hardware -- the hands-on-wheel detector or whatever it's called?
  5. R

    Rex & UK Road Tax

    Here in Kansas, it costs $20 more each year to register a hybrid, and $70 more to register an all electric vehicle vs. an ICE car. :(
  6. R

    Found my i3!

    Well, if I ever saw yours, it would be the first Protonic Blue one I saw in person! Looks nice.
  7. R

    myBMW App Works, But Not Showing Charge / Charging Status...

    I'm a (very) small contributed to the BimmerConnected project which is a ConnectedDrive plugin for HomeAssistant. And I can tell you that BMW is always monkeying around with the backend. Sometimes they have (accidental?) connectivity issues in some regions, and sometimes they start deiberately...
  8. R

    Bmw i3 2019 120Ah Lodge imperial blue in France

    That's a nice shade of blue. I don't believe that was ever offered in a US market i3. Nicely complements the interior.
  9. R

    New to forum. Looking to buy late this year.

    In the middle of the US, I see another i3 on the road almost every other week.
  10. R

    My bmw app not showing anything but location…help!

    That guy was waiting 6.5 years to use that again!
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    My bmw app not showing anything but location…help!

    Here in the Sunflower State, USA, my statuses all seem to be still available. I've got a '17, which does have a 4g modem -- that doesn't stop it from displaying a globe and the text "3G" when connecting . . someone hardcoded or bitmapped that or something. ;) I don't, however, use the app. I...
  12. R

    12V battery step by step and preventing errors

    I couldn't make any sense of the "excessive discharge while parked" warning when I got it. I wondered if I left accessories on somehow, except that I didn't see any suggestion that the auto-off wasn't working. In retrospect, the only times I saw the warnings were in the weeks leading up to the...
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    2014 BMW i3

    It'd be like asking the old-time gas station attendant how much gas you'll need . . . it all depends on how far you went -- or want to go . . . For a more useful rule-of-thumb approximation, I think it'd be a conservative guesstimate that you could add 30-ish miles of range per charging hour...
  14. R

    E brake

    Although our plates in my state are unrelated to the car's manufacture, they do have a charming(?) quirk of expiring in a month corresponding to owner's last name -- so the Zychowskis get a few months more depreciation factored in before the year's fees are paid than the Adams and the Browns...
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    E brake

    I don't know about plates other than in my china cabinet, but mine only auto-releases the brake if my seat belt is buckled. So I guess the first thing I might check is the sensor that verifies you're buckled-in. Maybe debris in the buckle housing or something easy like that. It's always nice if...
  16. R

    Charging 80 or 100%

    Battery management is religion. Pick the one that suits you and tell everyone else their batteries are -- metaphorically or literally -- going to hell.
  17. R

    Aux Fuel Mod

    I think that's the color they call Solar Orange.
  18. R

    2014 REx Fuel Tank do I know it worked?

    Unless that engineering degree came in a box of Cracker Jacks, the greater degree of resolution was just the translator not knowing how sig figs worked . . . They saw 9 liters and assumed that meant 9.00 (repeating on to infinity) liters, which of course it did not. Then they naively divided...
  19. R

    Vanity Mirror LED upgrade.

    My Deka doesn't have vanity mirror lights at all. But since I'm bald, that's a non-issue. Even for my wife, the biggest complaint is that there aren't any kleenex in the console on the Deka interior . . .