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  1. M

    2019 i3S Rex - code P2097

    "Bad fuel" should not be an issue with an i3 unless it has been left for a long time. The main reason for deterioration of stored petrol is evaporation of the most volatile components - but the i3 fuel system is sealed - it should be very resistant to this. And the fuel system will have been...
  2. M

    US side marker coding gone wrong

    I confess I've no idea what US blinkers are! But no - changes to coding won't be undone by disconnecting the 12V (or the HV) battery. Coding changes are written to non-volatile memory, so they stay put. If Carly doesn't include any method to restore a previous coding (like Bimmercode does)...
  3. M

    How to disable the orange side markers from the US spec cars?

    I would try disconnecting them and see whether you get any fault lights up. On other cars I've noticed that they don't include monitoring of side marker lights - they are not consider safety-critical enough to be worth the expense of another current monitoring channel. If they do bring up a...
  4. M

    Time Slots unusable due to Remote Services

    For me, they stopped almost exactly 24 hours ago.
  5. M

    Trunk sensor problem

    I've never had the problem on my car, but I'm led to believe that the sensor/switch is up at roof level, under one of the hinges. Other people have reported that a minor adjustment there has solved the issue.
  6. M

    Time Slots unusable due to Remote Services

    But I have to say that I'm not convinced that BMW has described the situation accurately. If you take Enode as an example. They provide API integration for lots of different cars - including the BMW i3. If you look on their Status website, they report no issue in integration with any i3 models...
  7. M

    Time Slots unusable due to Remote Services

    If that is what has happened (i.e. that BMW has locked down remote access to its APIs) then it's ironic. Not only does it stop providers like Octopus integrating with the car (for people like me with an EVSE that they can't integrate with instead) but it also hasn't stopped the polling that...
  8. M

    Delphi level 1 charger from Solar

    Does the Delphi unit work when used normally (i.e. just on normal utility mains)? They are known to be generally a bit unreliable.
  9. M

    Time Slots unusable due to Remote Services

    I've done that - it doesn't help. I disconnected my car from the Octopus app a week ago, so I no longer have any devices configured at Octopus. I'm still getting the unwanted messages, and they prevent me from using the myBMW app properly (because any schedule I set in the myBMW app simply...
  10. M

    Octopus Intelligient & Location

    There are two ways that IOG can control charging - one by sending instructions to the car, and the other by sending instructions to the charge point. Gonville gives an example of the latter and the fact that, in that case, no polling happens at the car, swings the balance of blame back towards...
  11. M

    Time Slots unusable due to Remote Services

    From observation we can be pretty sure that it's not being driven by the Octopus phone-based app, nor the myBMW phone-based app, nor is it being generated within any of the modules in the car - it is a remote command being sent via BMW's infrastructure, but nobody is completely certain where it...
  12. M

    BMW i3 FIRE

    The REX engine does have an oil pressure sensor but, as Mendomensch has already said, the oil pressure light would not come on if the oil filler cap were not present. You can't read any significance into the possible lack of a dedicated warning light on the dash - many modern cars use text...
  13. M

    Octopus Intelligient & Location

    Agreed - I haven't yet done so, but I will try to find the time tomorrow...
  14. M

    Octopus Intelligient & Location

    Even ten years ago, you would think that they would have been able to conceive of the idea of someone charging at home, using a time of use special tariff? Possibly a tariff that allows the energy supplier to dynamically move charge slots around? Even 10 years ago, I don't think that idea would...
  15. M

    Octopus Intelligient & Location

    So do I! It would be a crazy decision (IMO) to try to do it at the pack level. And it's not as if small resistors are so expensive that they could only afford one per 96 cells...
  16. M

    Octopus Intelligient & Location

    Regrettably, yes! Cell balancing is a good example. As far as I'm aware, BMW simply does not refer to it in any of their customer documentation. David Bricknell apparently had access to technical resources within BMW, and he (for example) says that cell balancing may happen at either the module...
  17. M

    BMW i3 FIRE

    Was the car imported to Ireland from the UK? If so, I don't think you can make any assumptions about the "standard" recalls process. If you look at a diagram of the W20 engine you'll see that the filler is right at the top of the engine. It's not surprising that any leakage from there could...
  18. M

    BMW i3 FIRE

    "Vehicle was imported from the UK". That may explain why there was no mechanism to link your car to any recall? As far as can tell, recalls are country-specific and so there would be no provision for it to follow you from country to country. But, having said that, I don't think the main recall...
  19. M

    Octopus Intelligient & Location

    There certainly isn't any agreement about that. Some sources (e.g. David Bricknell, author of a book on the subject) apparently gives the point at which cell balancing can happen as somewhere between 80 and 90%. The real problem, and one that BMW is guilty of for many aspects of the car, is...
  20. M

    Time Slots unusable due to Remote Services

    I'm in exactly the same position - my car is disconnected from Octopus but I still get the symptoms. What we don't know is whether it's a historical hangover from having used Octopus at some point in the past. Sadly we have no way to diagnose that. The one thing we are fairly sure of: fixing it...