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  1. 8

    online or other tech illustrations

    I recently wanted to better understand the brake circuit in my i3, but more broadly would like access to typical service-manual illustrations and part-number IDs. Is there any online or other resource for this without actually paying a lot?
  2. 8

    "low cost charging" option grayed out...?

    Thanks frictioncircle - I just ordered a 30/240V timer-relay to avoid having to replace my EVSE (which I'll install adjacent to my load center & which will interrupt feed to 240V receptacle for the EVSE), but yes, it's time for me to give up on what sure seemed like it was a pre-engineered...
  3. 8

    "low cost charging" option grayed out...?

    Nate, I've been thinking about this a little more. Do you have knowledge (or an opinion...) as to whether my approach below would make sense? I get home daily at, say, 4PM (start work at oh-dark-thirty.) That schedule would give me just 1 hour of potential charge-time before the 5PM...
  4. 8

    "low cost charging" option grayed out...?

    Art, Thanks for all that background. Not that I'm Erin Brokovich, but I just sent you a PM. I recall you had some issues retrieving them but maybe it's working now...(or maybe THEY are out to stop me...) Regarding I do wonder if what I PM'd you about is a smoking gun for that guy. I'm no...
  5. 8

    "low cost charging" option grayed out...?

    Thanks, Art. Yes, in theory, as of a few months ago, I am on time – of – use, with HECO. That would probably take several more posts in some other forum, so I won’t go into that for now. I had not yet stumbled across the estimated charge-completion hours that I think you were describing… Have...
  6. 8

    "low cost charging" option grayed out...?

    Nate, I spent a lot longer than I'd like to have, NOT finding a way to disable the preconditioning setting while out yesterday, then googling some more just now, which would have saved me the trouble of even looking. From the above, seems like I'm stuck with setting a departure time. At...
  7. 8

    "low cost charging" option grayed out...?

    I should have started with "what's a departure time, and why would it have anything to do with the setup for low-cost charging?" <5 minutes of googling and eating breakfast> er, no, I should have just googled up your old post at . I will...
  8. 8

    "low cost charging" option grayed out...?

    Is there something missing from my i3 that prevents me from the setting to "low cost charging?" Our rate is lowest between 9AM and 5PM, and I've set the rest of the associated settings to correspond to that, but the "low cost charging" option (vs "charge immediately") is grayed out so...
  9. 8

    (a) searches, and (b) miles per charge

    (a) I failed miserably with that oh-so-basic of tasks: searching a forum. "Place + in front of a word which must be found and - in front of a word which must not be found..." does that actually WORK for anyone? All it does for me is get my search rejected, with the word-order scrambled...
  10. 8

    Paint issues black parts

    Good stuff, as usual, Art! (and as usual, I got no notification...) I keep not having time to check with the makers of a rather miraculous water-borne coating called "Break-Through" to see if they'd warrant an application to the CFRP surface, whether that means sanding past the failing clear...
  11. 8

    Paint issues black parts

    I'll preface by saying that Art & I both live & occasionally drive in Honolulu. I've had my i3 for a couple of months now, so I don't know whether I'm seeing something new, or something I just didn't notice previously - but the clear over the CFRP on my roof has a sizeable -though very thin -...
  12. 8

    original level 1 charge 'box' - better if used with 240VAC?

    Nate, Thanks, good stuff. I can't see going too far wrong by wiring my own adapter as you covered (flat prongs = 240V, ground remains ground) there's this annoying image that comes to mind of... burning resin & carbon-fiber... I was hoping to find a standard DVM test method to probe the pins...
  13. 8

    original level 1 charge 'box' - better if used with 240VAC?

    Hey Art! Thanks for another of your standard copiously-detailed replies. Sounds like my EVSE is somewhere between the two you're describing (photos below). Specs are ambiguous, indicating "120-240 volts," but then also show "12/16 amps," which wouldn't naturally correspond to the two...
  14. 8

    original level 1 charge 'box' - better if used with 240VAC?

    Nate, I'm in Honolulu, which is more or less the USA. I realized I needn't have spent as much time thinking about this (always the case) vs looking up the actual EVSE specs, which eventually led me to this description: So I won't...
  15. 8

    original level 1 charge 'box' - better if used with 240VAC?

    The original level 1 factory 'charger' (maybe 'EVSE,' though I'd be tempted to refer to is as a 'wall-wart') indicates compatibility with 120/240VAC, despite being fitted with an Edison (standard USA 120VAC three-prong) plug. If I were to adapt to supply it with 240VAC, is it still restricted...
  16. 8

    yellow triangle & exclamation mark??

    Hey 'art - I just stumbled back here because (of course) I got no notification of any forum response... seems like a chronic problem regardless of forum, but maybe I missed a setting. I'll reply more fully to your very-helpful response above after I get some more sleep, but yes, I did pull the...
  17. 8

    yellow triangle & exclamation mark??

    Well, here's the deal, apparently: when I called to confer with him about this, the owner reluctantly agreed to drive it around this afternoon for a while, saying that it would indeed clear, but that he needed to get the pack below 75% for the ReX to spring to life and hence begin its...
  18. 8

    yellow triangle & exclamation mark??

    I don't know i3s at all yet, but test-drove a 2017 today. Car was in GREAT shape, just 26K miles. The only funky aspect was the subject item: dash displaying a yellow triangle and exclamation mark. The owner said it just DOES this when the SOC drops to 75%, as part of a monitoring process...