My 12V system logger has shown our 2019 i3 automatically charging its 12V battery both when its charge level decreased due to not driving enough and when its 12V battery was failing, never with EVSE plugged in although that shouldn't matter. I don't think any of us knows under what conditions automatic 12V battery charging occurs. In my case, it seemed to happen when the 12V battery's voltage decreased below 12.5V (~67% charge level). Others have reported 12.0V (~25% charge level). Maintaining an AGM battery at a fairly low charge level could reduce its life expectancy, and being undocumented, I don't trust automatic 12V charging to function as I expect. Because I know doing so will work, I have always disconnected the 12V battery negative cable before being away for significant periods (8 times for 3 to 9 months each). I then fully charge the 12V battery with a battery charger before departing. When I return, I fully charge the 12V battery before reconnecting it. The 12V battery in the 2014 i3 that we bought new failed after 7.5 years, so disconnecting it while fully charged for months at a time didn't seem to shorten its life.
If your battery is in good condition, it should not discharge enough to cause problems over 1 month even without plugging in an EVSE. 12V battery charging normally occurs only when the HV system is on as when active HV battery pack charging is occuring. However, once the HV battery pack is full, a plugged in EVSE does nothing and only automatic 12V battery charging would charge the 12V battery.