Recent content by Nightwing67

BMW i3 Forum

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  1. N

    Whining noise

    have you noticed if the noise happens during both acceleration and deceleration, or just when you’re speeding up?
  2. N

    Any good OBD Scanners for BMW i3?

    I have tried out OBDLink MX+, and it does the job its supposed to for me.
  3. N

    I need advice on taking a road trip with a 2019 i3 Rex

    Hi everyone, I am looking for advice. My cousin is driving her 2019 i3 Rex from San Diego to Sacramento, about 500 miles. We’ve done shorter trips, using the Rex heavily and keeping the battery at 70%, but now I’m wondering if it’s okay to run the Rex for 6-7 hours straight, refueling...
  4. N

    I am having issues charging my BMW i3

    I had a really weird charging experience the other day...At my local store, I can fast charge at 11 kW and everything works fine at home too. But when I tried using a 120 kW CCS charger at another spot, it just wouldn’t charge. The charger showed it was connected without any errors, and the plug...