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  • M
    As I understand it, the windscreen also has an additional, larger masked area (so that you can't see the inner workings of the camera...
  • M
    mojo replied to the thread Air conditioning.
    Have you checked the carpets for evidence of rainwater ingress? It seems fairly common for the rear footwells to get wet, and that will...
  • M
    mojo replied to the thread Air conditioning.
    Why do you say that it's not a practical solution? Surely that's what the demist function is designed for? I don't think what you're...
  • M
    mojo replied to the thread Oil Change on the REX.
    It's the sort of thing that you will find covered many many times on YouTube and elsewhere. I've not tried it myself (because I own a...
  • M
    mojo replied to the thread Replace High Voltage Battery.
    I'm not convinced that this is true. Nobody seems completely sure how many I3's were sold in China (and any figures may be confused by...
  • M
    It would be worth searching alohart's posts - I can recall he altered the bolts on his car to (IIRC) make them less likely to fall off...
  • M
    If you open the bonnet/frunk and look up at the underside, you should see a label, close to the windscreen. That should show the...
  • M
    mojo replied to the thread Passenger wiper blade.
    Asymmetric wiper blades are actually pretty common these days, on a wide variety of cars. It's done like that to maximise the forward...
  • M
    mojo replied to the thread Buying new battery.
    Probably the most relevant factor is where in the world you are. If, for example, you are in Guatemala, you are not likely to want to...
  • M
    mojo replied to the thread BMW I3S. Fully charged range?.
    That's pretty much normal for a 2022 car in current UK winter conditions. Most of the UK had overnight temperatures that were close to...
  • M
    mojo replied to the thread Replacement high voltage batteries.
    If jbond1972 is outside of the US, perhaps BMW have said that the battery warranty has expired? AFAIK, all European cars have an 8-year...
  • M
    Agreed - if they implemented it internally within the server as a queued system and didn't devote much resources to it then delays could...
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    mojo replied to the thread 16 Rex Driver Restraint malfunction.
    That appears to be the airbag itself. I would expect (hope) that BMW will simply replace the airbag. You're fortunate that it happened...
  • M
    Well that is new information. You know how it actually works? I hope you're not officially out - we need people with actually knowledge...
  • M
    Please don't misunderstand what I'm saying. You may know everything about how mobile phone communications work and I may know nothing...