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  • M
    mojo replied to the thread GPS not enabled in vehicle.
    Unfortunately it seems to be a "known issue". It's widely reported, especially on the older cars, but nobody seems to have a solution...
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    I'd agree with Mondomensch about putting a new driver in an i3. The car has the potential to get an inexperienced driver into trouble...
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    If you're going to replace the front screen, you need nothing more. The replacement windscreen should come with a new heating element...
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    No - not important. The car's built-in 12V battery charge controller will have figured things out by now. There is no benefit in trying...
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    Not true - the 12V outlet (indeed all of the 12V sockets on the car) turn off when the car goes "dormant". Plenty of people fit a...
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    mojo replied to the thread Hi.
    Agreed - as it's based on exactly the same system and sensors as adaptive cruise control, I've no doubt that it's far more likely to...
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    mojo replied to the thread 16 Rex Driver Restraint malfunction.
    It will depend on the nature of the fault - reading the car's diagnostic codes should give more information. One common fault is a...
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    mojo replied to the thread Hi.
    For anyone considering this - if you are in a country where insurance companies require all modifications to be notified to them, don't...
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    mojo replied to the thread Hi.
    I think you can forget about pilots like that in the real world. BMW will no doubt have used the experience gained in models subsequent...
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    mojo replied to the thread Hi.
    You might get better answers to those questions on the i3 Modified Facebook group. 1. Would be very difficult indeed, I would think...
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    I think it may depend on year of manufacture. On post-LCI models, the recommendation is to use DTC mode - it is designed for those...
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    mojo replied to the thread Hold state of charge, question.
    As far as I can see, it's just the hex value multiplied by the increment value of 0.5%. 28hex = 40 -> 40*0.5% = 20%
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    mojo replied to the thread Got into an totaled.
    It happened in September 2022. He's probably over it by now.
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    mojo replied to the thread Home Charger 7.4kw on 2021 i3.
    There are a number of reasons why charging will only happen at 16A. The setting in the car should be obvious - one setting for each of...
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    IMO it's highly likely to be an intermittent fault with a sensor, so probably the best course of action would be to have the car's...