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  1. kd7iwp

    Brake lights or not…

    Fortunately you're on an i3 forum and region does turn on the brake lights. I find that with my other cars (all stick shifts so they have stronger engine braking) I do this all the time but the braking isn't forceful enough that I would slow down to the point that someone would come close behind...
  2. kd7iwp

    Display shows washer fluid low alert even after refill

    What brand of fluid did you use? My buddy just put Rain-x brand in his 2014 320i and it has silicone which messed the sensor in his tank. This is a known issue on some cars. BMW even makes a silicone remover because of this. Not sure if that's your issue or not. Here's an example issue.
  3. kd7iwp

    LED exterior door handle

    Do you have any photos of the process to show?
  4. kd7iwp

    New Fob for +$500 or what else could I try ?

    Still a lot less than I paid! It was $700 USD for my replacement fob at my local dealership.
  5. kd7iwp

    Coding Anti-Dazzle and Variable Light Distribution

    You can try a MAX FLE but I currently remain unconvinced that will make a difference as I believe the difference is in the actually headlight assembly. If I'm proven wrong I will happily upgrade my FLEs for this. I know that the US headlights also have individual segments and such, but I don't...
  6. kd7iwp

    Coding Anti-Dazzle and Variable Light Distribution

    You retrofitted it on yours too? I retrofitted ESP on my 2002 Golf TDI. I was able to source all the parts on Ebay here, just had to use an '03 ECU.
  7. kd7iwp

    New Fob for +$500 or what else could I try ?

    Good luck. If you are able to code it and are willing to share how, I’m all ears. Do you have comfort access?
  8. kd7iwp

    New Fob for +$500 or what else could I try ?

    I just bought a second fob and it was $969 Canadian (about $670 USD). Disgusting isn’t it.
  9. kd7iwp

    Is the i3 using hold mode or coast mode when you stop?

    I believe the i3 uses the motor to hold you at a stop when you come to a stop on an incline. If it’s flat it just sits in neutral and if there is a slight incline it will roll. On the pre facelift i3 I believe that it uses brake pressure from the traction control system to hold you on a hill...
  10. kd7iwp

    BMW I3S. Fully charged range?

    My E46 and E61 also shut off fuel completely until you get to about 1,200 rpm. You can feel the car start to shake a little as it turns fuel back on.
  11. kd7iwp

    BMW I3S. Fully charged range?

    You can put in N or just let off the throttle partially, same thing, as long as the energy meter in the instrument cluster is right in the middle. Coasting is likely going to save you a negligible, unnoticeable amount of charge. Whenever you're charging/discharging your battery there is a...
  12. kd7iwp

    Passenger wiper blade

    I've heard others talk about putting 28" blades on the driver side since they are much more readily available than the 29". My local Costco sells only up to 28". If you don't have the KAFAS camera then that's probably a good, cheaper option. However, the length of the driver side doesn't really...
  13. kd7iwp

    Passenger wiper blade

    I will note that on my drive to work today the passenger-side blade was not cleaning the bottom 5-6" of it's path. After it was going for about 15 minutes then it started to hit that spot. I guess the rubber needed to soften up a bit. Since every time you turn the wipers off they end in a down...
  14. kd7iwp

    Passenger wiper blade

    The passenger side wiper is quite a few inches shorter than the driver side. The driver’s is 29” I believe as it needs to be long enough to clean the KAFAS camera. The other is only 21”. But perhaps it needs to be replaced if it’s not cleaning a width as wide as the blade itself is.
  15. kd7iwp

    brake regeneration in slippery snowy roads and traction control

    Remember since that when you're doing "gear" shifts on the steering column that there are never any gears changing. You are simply providing input as to which direction the energy should be turning the traction motor. That's why there's no clunks or anything like that when shifting it. I have...