I've been wondering where that relay is, thanks. People say to replace it proactively. Will look into doing that.
Can you confirm what your symptoms were that got fixed with new fuel pump relay? My symptoms are that Rex runs only for short period (varies 10 to 20+ minutes) and then when the...
On one of the other threads I found recommendation:
Proactively replace REX fuel pump relay (blue), multiple cases of relay contacts failing
Did any of you try that?
Hello ajmfulcher and helpmycar and Andy,
did you ever find out what your issue was? If you got it fixed, what was the fix?
I have 2017 Rex and I'm seeing same errors in Bimmerlink:
105001: Crankshaft sensor, signal: missing
114001: Engine oil pressure switch: switch is closed, pressure too low...
Thanks John, good points. I actually received my plug-in gizmo yesterday and used BimmerCode to change code to allow Hold State of Charge. I'm getting the old gas out gradually... can't do it fast because the Rex motor will only run between 10 and 20 minutes before it shuts down. It acts like...
No picture needed, the standard white/black/blue. Seven plus years excellent reliability so far. But some recent squirrely Rex behavior, see this post:
Working to understand as much as possible...
Hello, joined today. I have a 2017 Rex and just posted some maintenance and bad Rex behavior questions on this thread:
Especially interested in finding a shop in Nassau County NY that is competent...
Just joined. Have 2017 Rex I bought new (Long Island NY). Pretty good luck so far but well past warranty now and looking to understand maintenance needs. My dealer was OK but is now out of business. Somewhat terrified of what new dealer would charge, for example, to replace the 7+ year old 12-V...