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  1. D

    Not charging properly

    Thanks for your answer. I'm checking the car with bimmercode and i have this fault : cell defect detected in module 4, with this error code 21f1c4... is not a good news. The car is at the BMW garage... I will send some news. Bye
  2. D

    Not charging properly

    Hello, I'm posting a message here because I think I have the same problem. Here's what's happening. Yesterday morning, I start the car and a message appears "Powertrain fault" (in French) In English, I think it's the message "Drive Train fault" but displayed in orange color (not red). I can go...
  3. D

    New i3 owner.

    Hello, I am Jerome from France, with my wife we have an I3 120Ah since 2 years. It has 43000km. I am doing research here for maintenance and some recent problems. Have a nice day.