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  1. C

    i3 head unit difficulties in connecting to iPhone

    I am having intermittent problems with the car (2017 with base stereo system) reading my iPhone so I can connect to Pandora. Sometimes, when I start the car with the phone connected via USB cable (my standard approach), it will fire right up and play. Other times, I have to tweak things...
  2. C

    Need help with REX drive cycle

    It occurs with any ICE vehicle with OBD2 diagnostics- 1996 and on. I have several other OBD2 vehicles (2 of which are BMWs) and the drive cycles are relative routine. You drive around for a week or two under varying conditions and all is good. With the i3, I put close to 300 miles on the car...
  3. C

    Need help with REX drive cycle

    You are apparently (and perhaps others) not familiar with the CA (and other states) smog check requirement that an emissions drive cycle be completed before a smog test can be certified as passed. This applies to OBD2 cars only (and obviously, to the i3 Rex). Basically, the smog station hooks...
  4. C

    Need help with REX drive cycle

    I got no response to my messages above, and I couldn't find any useful info on the Internet (and I am reasonably good at finding such information) so I thought I would share my experience with those Californians faced with this problem. I drove the car several hundred miles on the REX in all...
  5. C

    Need help with REX drive cycle

    I have driven my 2017 REX several hundred miles under all different conditions, with no success on the drive cycle. I finally called a BMW dealer in my area and found someone who recommended two courses of action: drive the car a certain number of miles (~50) at 55 mph, or drive the car and run...
  6. C

    Second Edition of free Electric Vehicles and i3 book by David J. Bricknell

    Did you cover "drive cycle" from an emissions perspective in your book? I am looking for someone who can advise on how I can get my 2017 Rex to pass the drive cycle test in CA so I can register the car. I have driven the car all over hell and back with the Rex running, several hundred miles in...
  7. C

    New Member

    I bought my daughter an i3 a year ago when she graduated from college. About 2 months ago, I saw a 2017 i3 REX for sale at $10,000. I bought it and love the car. I have a problem with CA smog check (have made another post about this). I can't seem to get the drive cycle emissions timers to...
  8. C

    Question on coding Rex to turn on below 75% battery level.

    You have to set "hold state of charge" every time you fire up your i3 after it has been shut down. And. the 75% threshold will apply.
  9. C

    Need help with REX drive cycle

    I bought a 2017 REX a month ago. To register the car in CA, it needs to have a "smog check," which with the REX is simply a check on the OBD port of the drive cycle (emissions readiness monitors). My problem is that I (i) foolishly reset the ECU in the process of recoding), and (ii) now that I...