myBMW App Works, But Not Showing Charge / Charging Status...

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Staff member
Sep 9, 2019
For the past few days the myBMW app is not updating my state of charge (stuck at 56%), is not showing the main-screen graphic where the car is plugged in an charging, and in fact when I click on the CHARGING line in the blue box, is shows "Charging Plan: Unplugged."

However, it is updating vehicle location correctly, "Updated from Vehicle 4/8/2024 @ x:xx" is correct, it is allowing me to remotely lock and unlock doors (despite the door lock status being incorrectly stuck on Unlocked), and the top message bar is correct (Hood Open). It is also accepting commands to update my next planned departure time for cabin climatization, or to start climatization immediately.

Oh! ...and after the fact, my charging sessions are all being logged correctly in the Charging Stats portion of the app. Just not real-time (which normally shows charging current and I believe time plugged in).

Probably NOT (??) related to this recent thread:…help.18682/

Any thoughts? Because 2-way comms are clearly up and running, I'm suspecting the fault lies with the car. I've signed out / re-logged in to the app, but haven't tried deleting and reloading. However the last app update was March 22, over a week before this problem first appeared.

In the screenshot below, the car is plugged in, locked, and charging.


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Lol, disregard, after 3 or 4 days I'm suddenly back in business!

Mine has not logged charge received last couple of times, but does slowly update to say fully charged at xx:xx hrs. Also don't seem to get 'notifications' as often as I used to, re charging etc, and what time car predicts itself as full.
I reached out to BMWi support. I’ll report back, if they have a good explanation. This suddenly happening on multiple i3s seems to suggest a server/app issue. I think there was a recent update, but I didn’t initially make the mental connection as my next charging session was days later.
my comment adds little except to echo the fact that sometimes the info appears on the ap or my ipad, and sometimes it doesn’t. this has been a constant for my 3 years of ownership. compared with some of the more alarming possible problems reported here, the issue is microscopic. I hope not to tempt providence by revealing that I’ve had no real problems and the i3 continues to delight and that the HV battery seems as perky as it’s day of birth in 2017, and the aux battery works just fine, so far!
my comment adds little except to echo the fact that sometimes the info appears on the ap or my ipad, and sometimes it doesn’t. this has been a constant for my 3 years of ownership. compared with some of the more alarming possible problems reported here, the issue is microscopic. I hope not to tempt providence by revealing that I’ve had no real problems and the i3 continues to delight and that the HV battery seems as perky as it’s day of birth in 2017, and the aux battery works just fine, so far!
I love my 2017 i3 as well. Bought it in 2020 off a lease. Am on my 3rd 12v battery (replace them preventatively every three years, after experiencing issues right after I bought it ... and live in a hot/cold extreme climate (Colorado). Have not experienced this app issue before now, hence the concern. (Just failure on remote AC initialization on occasion). SOH on the battery is at 88% at 44k miles (was at 92% when I got it at 23k miles).
I talked to someone at BMW Connected Drive support. She said they are working on an issue with the App updating.
I got an e-mail response from the iTeam (there is an i in team after all :)), to the effect that they solved the problem through server updates, and to uninstall/reinstall the app. No dice ...
I talked to someone at BMW Connected Drive support. She said they are working on an issue with the App updating.
Seems like each support agent has a different explanation. I was told that our active Remote Services subscription is insufficient for the My BMW app to report the status of our i3 even though it can still control it, even though the description of Remote Services includes reporting the status. I just tried uninstalling, deleting all local data, and reinstalling. No change…
Hmm... I didn't need to reinstall anything. The most I did was log out / log in on day 2 or 3, the day before it fixed itself late in the afternoon.
I've been pretty happy. They've constantly evolved the app with useful features and the overall aesthetic, and it's only become more reliable over the 4+ years I've been using it – and I open it just about daily. I don't recall the last time I had an issue, and on the grand scale, this one reached the level of annoying but fairly tame as the important functions all remained intact.
I concur on the evolution, but my experience has been one of reliability for the past four years and now the battery status indication failing (after multiple app re-installs/re-logins). So: this is the first failure and it persists. The inconsistency of everyone’s experience is what seem most concerning, because it would point to not a singular issue, but multiple.
Update: turns out my subscription had lapsed. Unsure why I wouldn’t have gotten a notification about that, but state of charge is back (after renewing and then logging out and back into the app). $120 for that btw … I know there are other things thrown in, but I won’t be using those (Amazon Alexa for one). I installed aftermarket CarPlay for a reason …
I experienced the same problem, 48 hours after updating the app. The app showed me 6 miles away from my true location and didn't acknowledge that the car was on charge.
Tried the usual stuff, turned my phone off and on, disconnected car, uninstalled and reinstalled the app, all to no avail
Went to bed, turned phone off, woke up, turned phone back on and everything was perfect.
I'm a (very) small contributed to the BimmerConnected project which is a ConnectedDrive plugin for HomeAssistant. And I can tell you that BMW is always monkeying around with the backend. Sometimes they have (accidental?) connectivity issues in some regions, and sometimes they start deiberately messing around with the service. When the latter happens, it requires some reverse engineering and an update to the plugin -- I assume that they must also need to update their own app as well (I've never used it). When the former happens, it's just a matter of waiting till someone reboots something on their end or makes sure bills got paid or domains get updated or all those million things a minimally staffed project might have to deal with all the time.